A very well-known dabbling duck, that can be found
the temperate Northern hemisphere. The male Mallard
has a metallic green head and a thin white collar.
The female Mallard is light brown, so has camouflage
colors, like most female dabbling ducks. And it is
the female that makes the "quack", the well-known
ducksound. An adult Mallard weights about one kilogram
what Mallards eat.
The most important food is the duckweed.
This is eaten while the duck makes
the dabbling sounds.
But they also feed on waterinsects and eat old bread too

A pool in the early spring with Marsh Marigold
and willowshrubs, together with wild ducks.
an illustration from "waar wij wonen", from Jac. P. Thijsse.
forming pairs
Mallards form pairs until the female has laid the eggs,
the male leaves. Up to 20% of the Mallard pairs are
male-male pairs, so homosexual pairs.
A male Mallard on the ice.
Mallards have adapted there behaviour and are easy pets.
Classical Dutch winterwonderland: Ducks and geese and swans
come together on the Ice
Dutch |
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