Peacock butterfly
This is terrible beautiful butterfly that visit youre
garden, if you have the plants it likes:
This big butterfly has four eyesspots on the wings with
the intention to confuse predators.
The Peacock butterfly places the eggs on the leaves of
nettles and Hop :
The caterpillar will feed on those plants.
Peacockbutterfly and it's food
The Peacckbutterfly feeds with all honey that it can find,
but the butterfly-bush or Buddleja davidii attracts a lot
of Peacockbutterflies.
Peacockbutterfly and it's distribution
The peacockbutterfly can be found in the Northern part of the
world, everywhere were nettles grow.

A peacock butterfly visiting a Oxeye daisy

Butterflies of Europe.
1 Common Brimstone or Gonepteryx rhamni
2 Chackhill blue or Polommatus coridon
3 Red admiral or Vanessa Atalanta
4 peacock butterfly or inachis io
5 Chackhill blue or Polommatus coridon, darker variant

This photo of the peacock was made in februari, peacocks are often the
first butterflies that can be found.

-1 Peacock butterfly (Inachis io)
-2 Small Tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae)
-3 Red Admiraal (Vanessa atalanta)
-4 Painted lady (Vanessa cardui)
-5 Large yellow underwing(Noctua pronuba)
-6 Silver-studded blue (Plebejus argus)
-7 Hummingbird Hawk moth (Macroglossa stellatarum)
-8 Silvery moth (Plusia gamma)
-9 Sand lizard (Lacerta agilis)
-10 Common viviparous lizard (Lacerata vivipara
-11 (Lacerata murali)
-12 Purple grasshopper: (Psophus stridulus)
-13 (Oedipoda coerulescens)
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