Naardermeer, a school illustration from M.A. Koekkoek.
1 Reed (Phragmites communis), 2 Arrowhead (Sagittaria sagittifolia), 3 Ranuncel (Batrachium aquatile),
4 Yellow pond-lily (Nuphar lutea), 5 Waterlily (Nymphea alba), 6 Cattails (Typha angustifolia)
7 Yellow flag(Iris pseudacorum)
1 Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus), 2 Eurasian Spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia), 3 Coot (Fulicia atra)
4 Purple Heron(Ardea purpurea), 5 Black Tern (Chlidonias niger), 6 Edible frog (Rana esculenta)

The ditch | Waterplants | Marshes | living food | Northsea | Worms | Snails | Butterflies | Bugs | Spiders | Dragonfly | Flies | Birds | mosses | Flowers |
Trees 1 | Trees 2 | Herbs | Wild flowers A-D | Wilde flowers E-M | Wilde flowers N-S | Wilde flowers T-X | Climbers | Ferns | Fungus | Lichen |


An elegant perinial waterplant, that grows in shallow ponds, slow flowing water in mud , and is never abundant. Arrowheads are flowering plants with there white flowers placed on a long stem. The Arrowhead will also grow in
streaming water but prefer swallow silent waters.

rhizome of the arrowhead

The rhizome is a horizontal creeper, producing new plants from buds at its tip. This is the most important way of propagation, but there is also a way of propagation by using seeds.

During the flowering season one can find the beautiful
leaves above the surface.

seeds of the arrowhead

The seeds will flow on the water and can be transported over long distances. Germination only starts after a long cold period.

flowers of the arrowhead

The flowers occur in a spike with the male flowers at the top of the flower stalk and the female flowers below. Arrowhead only flowers if is has a sunny place in the pond. Leaves There are three kind of leaves: underwater leaves are thin and long
Above the water they have the typical arrowhead form.

Floating on the water are more or less round leaves.


The larvae of the Bloodworm dig
holes in the underwater stem.

The strong points

Arrowhead resists cold weather much better then other waterplants.

The weak points

Arrowhead is vulnerable for insects and slugs
It doesn't grow as fast like the Waterlilly, so it will be replaced by other floating plants. .

Arrowhead has beautiful leaves.