crested newt or Triturus Cristatus

crested newt

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Pondlife in a healthy pond.
1 Edible frog (Rana esculenta)
2 Brown frag (Rana temporalis)
3 Frogfish
4 great diving beetle (Dytiscus marginalis)
5 Waterspider (Argyroneta aquatica)
6 common newt (Triturus vulgaris)
7 European grass snake (Natix natrix)
8 larval stage of Caddisflies or sedge-flies (Trichoptera)
1 Eurasian water milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum)
2 spatterdock or yellow water-lily (Nuphar luteum)
3Common Water Crowfoot (Batrachium aquatilis)
4 Water-starwort or water-chickweed. (Callitriche verna)

A young specimen of the great crested newt,
a picture of Steven de Craene.

The great crested newt and frost

The great crested newt remains active during
the winter, and can even be seen in the snow.
This salamander does not hibernate, but remains

salamanders in the wood
Brehm, made in 1924

1 smooth newt tadpooles
2 alpine newt(Ichthyosaura alpestris; Syn.: Triturus alpestris)
3 great crested newt (Triturus cristatus )
4 smooth newt(Triturus vulgaris)

illustrations of A.E. Brehm

Alfred Brehm (1829-1884) is of the writer
"Tierleben " or Brehms "Life of animals".
The illustrations from this book can be found here:

snails and slugs
Red Squirrel
bumble bees
been weevil
great pond snail
ground beetles
crested newt
man of war
seastars and bristle stars
porpita porpita and Velella
precious coral
feather duster worm or Spirographis spallanzi

illustrations from Brehm:

bumble bee
Aquatic sowbug
ruby-tailed wasp

unusual pets

Pet animals
Red and grey squirrel
Herring Gull
great pond snail,
edible frog
common frog
great crested newt
water buffalo
house mouse

    crested newt

    triturus Cristatus

    The largest of the newts in Europe. This is
    quite a big animal,about 20cm long (male) . It's a
    big eater; it eats only living food ,
    like thebloodworm.

    The decline of the crested newt

    Although widespread in Europe, its numbers are
    declining and its getting rare. In some parts
    its absent or very rare. Some causes of the
    decline are the introduction of fish, waste
    disposal and other water pollution and
    agrochemicals. The crested newt hunts by
    using its eyes so it needs clear water.

    The crested newt as a pet

    These salamanders are easy pets, they become
    easely tame. But they only eat living food.
    Feed them with: bloodworm, glassworm and wrigglers.

    A crested newt, a young male.

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