nutmeg and mace
The nutmeg trees grows in the tropics and let its
fruits drop when they are ripe. The nutmeg seeds are
collected and the mace is removed. The mace and nutmeg
are then sold separetly.

Mace is the red covering of the seed. Nutmeg and mace are
both used as a spice. The demand for nutmeg is much higher
then that of the mace.

Nutmeg right and cloves to the left on the Maluku Islands.
nutmeg oil
Nutmeg oil has the strong fragrance of nutmeg and a light yellow color. It is used as a
massage oil, that produces a warm feeling.
Don't use to much of it.
safrol-oil, XTC, speed
Nutmeg contain 4% safrol or safrol-oil.
Safrol-oil has a strong anise fragrance.
Safrol-oil is obtained by steam or alcohol destilation from
nutmeg.The oil is the starting point for the production
of very many amfitamines. Ecstasy, XTC is produced
directly from saffrol-oil. MDA, MDMA are other hard drugs
produced from saffrol-oil.nutmeg poisoning
In a dose of 0,4 gram, nutmeg will be as strong as one joint.
In a larger dose nutmeg will produce hallucinations.more them 5m,g will cause a nutmeg poisening. The responsible
part of nutmeg is called myristicin
Effects of a poisoning are: free floating fear, fast heart rate and panic, a dry mouth , problems to urinate. The poisoning ends with a long period of sleeping
toothache and nutmeg
Nutmeg (powder) has an analgesic effect on tootache
affly it on the tooth and drink warm water.
The same effect has liquorice and cloves oil.
Nutmeg history
The Banda islands, that once belong to the dutch colony of
Indonesia , were the only place were nutweg trees used to grow.
The V.O.C, the dutch shipping company in the Middle ages, were
the only company in control of the export of nutmeg.
The british started nutmeg plantation in Granada, en that way the dutch monopoly ended.

Nutmeg production on the banda island. nutmeg is sored and dried .by the females. The long sticks of the men are not spear but used to harvest the nutmeg on the trees.
Mixed spice or pudding spice
A traditional mix used used in baking, or to complement
fruits or other sweet foods. "mixed spice" are used
in cookbooks at least as far back as 1828, the dutch
Speculoos go back to the middle ages.
Speculoos, is amixture of:
Speculoos, traditional dutch spice mix
Mixed spices are used for the Dutch Sinterklaas celebrationat December 5th. Speculoos contain cardamon:
This spices mix was made possible by the import of Malukan spice trade, 20 gram Cinnamon
5 gram mace
5 gram nutmeg
5 gram cloves
Sometimes added: cardamom
Coriander (seed)
white pepper
The white pepper gives a sharp taste, ginger makes it soft.
nutmeg tree production
The fruits only grow on the female tree, there are three harvests a year. The tree is a
slow growing tree, it takes at least 8 years
before the first fruit can be harvested
The tree will become not more then 10
meters high. Its takes 20 years before
this tree matures and the nutmeg production
will reach its optimum.
nutmeg tree cultivation
They can easely be germinated from the seeds. Only halve of them are females, that will produce the nutmegs.
other nutmeg products
Two kinds of nutmeg oil are destillated from the nutmeg:Fixed oil of nutmeg, up to 30% of the nutmeg consists of
this oil. It is used in skin applications, body milk etc.
Nutmeg oil,"essential oil of nutmeg" or "volatile oil"
Up to 10% of the nutmeg or even 15% of the nutmeg consist
of this oil.
nutmeg oil
Nutmeg oil has te strong fragrance of nutmeg and has a light yellow color. It is used as a
massage oil, that produces a warm feeling.
Don't use to much of it.

nutmeg flowers leaves and fruit, the kolibri ( Mellisuga minima), and butterfly (Papilio polydamaste) can be seen, a painting of . Marianne North.
safrole oil
Safrole is mostly used as a disinfectant, but no longer used as an ingradient of cosmetics as
it possibly cause cancer.
Nutmeg is a source of safrole oil,
but safrole oil is also part of Sassafras.
safrole-oil, XTC, speed
Nutmeg contains 4% safrol or safrole-oil. Safrole-oil has a strong anise fragrance.
Safrole-oil is obtained by steam or alcohol
destilation from nutmeg.
Safrole-oil is the starting point for the production
of very many amfitamines. Ecstasy, XTC, is produced
directly from saffrol-oil. MDA, MDMA, amfitamine are
other hard drugs derived from saffrol-oil.
nutmeg as a poor man drug
Thes consumption of one whole (powdred) nutmeg is enoughto have an trip experience, but not a good trip:
Use a grinder to powder a fresh nutmeg. dissolve
the powder in milk. The hallucinoge working starts after 3 hours, last
one day. Most of the hallucinations are frightening.
After that bad trip, nausea and some vomiting starts,
mostly for more then a day.
Nutmeg trips are done mainly in India prisons, but never
been populair.