blue tit

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Blue tit

The blue tit is a common small bird, that can be seen in the
winter in youre backyard, feeding on youre peanuts.
During summertime the blue tit stay in the woods
and as this little bird is very shy and fast moving,
its hard to find. It normally feeds on insects, fruits
and seeds. Blue tit and Great tit form mixed flocks
during wintertime, the Blue tit has a blue line through
its eyes, making it easy to recognize.

1 Great tit.
2 Blue tit.
3 Nuthatch.
4 Long-tailed Tit.
5 Marsh Tit.

    Here the Blue tit feeds on crab apple Malus "Red Sentinel". The foto is made in december, in this time of the year
    its hard to find food exept for berries.
    A photo made by Jan Hein, Birds of Guyana

    Great tits, blue tits and House Sparrow are feed
    during the winter.
    This illustration was used at schools in the Netherlands and
    are made by Koekkoek. The name is "birds in the winter".
    Great tits, blue tits and House Sparrows

    If you want to know more about feeing youre birds in
    the garden have a look at birds in the garden

    nest Boxes

    Nest boxes are easely made by yourself, should face
    the North , and are places more then 2 meter above
    the ground.

    nest box opening

    Marsh tit 25 mm

    Blue tit 28 mm

    Great tit 32 mm

    Nuthatch 32 mm

    Common sparrow 35 mm

    Old ilustrations

    On these website you can find more then 400 illustrations
    almost always copied from old books most of the from the
    period called fin du siecle.
    A selection:
    European Peacock butterfly
    in the woods
    Three thorn stickelback
    Red Squirrel
    snails and worms

    Illustrations used at schools

    birds in the winter
    live in a ditch
    the dunes
    in the woods
    Kelp wood
    Friends of darkness
    nutmeg and mace

    visitors: Dutch Dutch |

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