Tipula or Crane fly


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Crane fly


Flies from the familie Tipulidae are called
Crane flies: they have 6 long legs and a thin
and long abdomen. The wings are held outside
at rest. They are slow fliers and slow walkers
too. The thin legs made them invulnarable for
ants and bugs as they move high above the ground.
And even if a leg is catched they can throw
that leg of. The biggest enemies are birds and frogs.


The larval stage of the Crane Fly are called
leatherjackets. They feed on the roots of grass,
causing yellow patches. Vegetables like patatoes
and lettuce can also be affected by letterjackets.
Leatherjackets are very winterhardy.

Spiders that look like Crane flies

Some spiders with long legs are mistaken as crane flies,
and to make things even more diffcult , they are all
called daddy-long-legs.
Daddy-long-legs and theCellar spider.

The Crane fly are hunted as they enter
a house, as they resemble the mosquito

The silhouette of the house Mosquito (Culex pipens), and Mosquito
(Anopheles) and Crane fly (Tipola) all resemble each other.

Two Crane flies are mating.
More about this on the website of Ditte Merle.