A rare annual plant that grows in grainfields on poor grounds.
It needs the wheat, barley or rey for support.
The black seeds are very poisionous.
Corncockle and Poppies between the rey in june.
cultivars for the garden
Agrostemma githago "Ocean pearl" has white flowers.
Remove the flowers directly after flowering fot more
flower production.
Corncockle usage
Corncockle needs support from other stems to lean on.
Collect the seed at the end of the summer, so you can
sow it in the spring. .
The corncockle in fall.
Corncockle of Agrostemma githago
Growing between the rey
On fields with rey some plants
can be found, adapted to poor grounds
and the fast growing ray.
These plants were once very common, there
seeds mixed with the rey. But nowadays the
rye has almost dissapeared and there
has been much technical progression in
removing those out of the rey. Corncockles Poppy Creeping thistle Field Bindweed Corn flower
Forking Larkspur
Ranunculus arvensis
Scarlet Pimpernel