Muscari or grape hyacinth
A very early flowering bulb.
Its most unique future is the
blue color of this low growing plant.
Muscari maintains itself easy in the garden.
Muscari in the garden
The muscari grows well in any soil.
More important than the soil is the warmth:
the more warmth the more muscari in the
next years.
Muscari or grape hyacinth
Muscari azureum: has a sky-blue color and
is by far the most populair and maintains itself
easily in the garden.
Muscari azureum is the earliest flowering of the
Muscari's. This is also a white muscari to get.

muscari botryoides or grape hyacinth.
Muscari propagation
Muscari uses three ways of propagation: with seed:
The muscari forms very tiny seeds that can spread
over large distances. The flowers attracts insects.
The highest blue flower are only used to attract
those insects , but are sterile. The seeds form
new but very small muscari's and it take's some
years to get them flowering again.
The two other ways are by forming rhizomes and
bulbs , so the vegetative way of propagation,
and also the most important.
Muscari in pots
The muscari grows easily in pots,
They are often used as the upper layer
using the lasagna method (see below).
They flower over first. Muscari does not
like wet soil. In pots is much easier to notice
the delicious fragrance of the nuscari.

lasagna method
This a way to put bulbs in a pot.
Put a layer of buls on a layer of mulch
in a large pot. These bulbs a those that
will flower the last, usually tulp and
decorativ unions
Next layers are narcis , hyacint
or crocus
The last layer will flower firstly :
galanthus nivalis, or
In this way you will have a three months flowering period.