Camellia or Camelia Japonica
This is an ornamental evergreen plant for youre garden.
It flowers very early in spring or even in the winter.
The camillia is knowm for its fine colored flowers.
Camellia's are slow growers, about two decimeters a year.
There are more then 1000 cultivars , most of them
derived from Camillia Japonica. The Camellia Japonicas
do not smell and flower early in spring, the sasanqua
flowers in fall and some of them smell.
taking care of Camilla Japonica
The Camellia prefers moist soil, but are sensitiv for
wet ground, a fungus will kill the roots. Avoid dreight
periods. Also Camillia is generally adapted to acidic soils,
and does not grow well on chalk or heavy clay soils.
Keep your Camillia out of the direct sun,
they prefer a bit of shadow.
Pruning is best done after the flowering period,
but this is not obliged.

Camilla Japonica "Adolphe Audusson" is known for its dark red flowers,
is strong and very winterhardy.

Camilla Japonica "Dr chesse de Berry"

Camilla Japonica "Paolina Maggi" has white flowers with pink stripes.

Camilla Japonica "Paolina Maggi" .

Camilla Japonica "Reine des fleurs"

Camilla Japonica "Fimbriata"

Camilla Japonica "Alba plena" is known for its large white flowers.

Camilla Japonica "Dr Baltazar de mello"

Camilla Japonica "Mathotiana albi"

Camilla Japonica "Alba simple"