Borecole is good food , just when you need
it: in wintertime! It is a strong veggie, and
grows very easy in youre garden. It has a
attractive appearence. It is the hardiest of
all veggies and grows on every ground.
Borecole propagation
The most populair method is to start indoor
with seedlings somewhere in the spring. By
doing this you avoid the most dangerous time
in a kale's life: snails and slugs smell these
plants from long distances. Birds are even more
pest control
Whitefly are the only serious pest threatening
youre borecole and need some attention from you.
The most easiest way to prevent whitefly is to
Whiteflies look like white moths and can be food
on the underneath the leaves of the borecole.
Mosquito netting is the best way or preventing
white fly infections. It also prevents rootflies,
hailstorm damage , rabbit damage and raise the
temperature about 1 degree celsius. They are only
needed during summertime.
harvesting borecole
Borecole is harvested one by one during the whole
fall and winter.

borecole in the snow.
borecole and frost
The taste of borecole improves after a frosty period,
as the sugar content raises.
Carrots, sprouts, parsnip also improves in
taste by frosty wheather.

sea kale
black Tuscany kale