European hornbeam or Carpinus betulus

European hornbeam

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European hornbeam

A common and medium-size tree, that can often be
found together with the oak

The hornbeam as hedge

The European Hornbeam is often used in hedges.
Cutting back of the foliage gives a much denser foliage
as result, making it ideal to use this tree as an hedge.
The Hornbeam is a deciduos tree, so in the middle of the
winter it provides in little privacy.

The European Hornbeam.

    The leaves of the European Hornbeam have a serrated margin.

    Oak-Hornbeam wood

    This kind of wood consist mainly of Hornbeam (70%) and oak (30%)
    It will grow in moist grounds with chalk or limestone.
    The Hazel and the Hawthorn can be found as shrubs.

    flowers of the European Hornbeam.


    This list gives an indication of the quality as a firewood

    Alder fastburning, good firewood.

    Birch good , but burns fast

    Horse chestnut bad quality firewood, hard to ignite.

    Beech very good, but need to be very dry.

    Oak very good

    Lime good.

    Ashvery good firewood

    Mulberry very good , but hard to get

    monkey puzzle woodbad firewood, don't use it

    White poplar smokes, bad firewood

    Black locust or Robiniavery good and exspensive.

    Walnut good , but hard to get

    Yew good.

    Larch bad firewood.

    visitors: Dutch Dutch |

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