White Deadnettle
On can find the White Deadnettle always in the near
of Giant Hogweed and nettles.
The white deadnettle is very common on rich moist soil.
It flowers during the whole summer, with white of yellow-white flowers
somewhat hidden between the leaves.
The flowers produce a lot of honey attracting a lot of bees>
White Deadnettle or Lamium album
White Deadnettle and nettles
The White Dead-Nettle bears a strong resemblance to the
Stinging Nettle, for which it may easily be mistaken.
The White dead nettle has a square hollow stem, making
it easy to distinguish from the Stinging Nettle.
In April the White Dead-nettle starts to flower.
And its flowers are very different fro those of the
Stinging Nettle.
eating the White Deadnettle
The young leaves can be eaten, they have a fresh taste,
good for salads.
The flowers of a the deadnettles can be eaten and
have strong honey taste. It is fun to collect the
three different colors of dead nettle: purple, white
and yellow.
1 small Tortoiseshell Butterfly (Vanessa urticae)
2 large earth bumblebee(Bombus terrestris)
3 seven-spotted lady butterfly (Coccinella septempunctata)
4 ground beetle(Carabus hortensis)
5 The large hover fly (Scaeva pyrastri)
6 Dronefly (Erystalis tenax)
7 Rove beetle(staphylinus caesareus)
1 White Deadnettle (Lamium album)
2 Creeping thistle (Cirsium arvense)
3 wild carrot (Daucis carotis)

Cypress spurge (1) (Euphorbia cyparissias)
spurge hawk moth (Hyles euphorbiae)
White Deadnettle (3)(Lamium album).
Henbane (4)(Hyosciamus niger)
Common tansy(5)(tanacetum vulgare)(4),
Houseleeks (6) Sempervivum
Herb Robert(7)(Geranium robertianum)
Large black sludge(8)(arion empiricorum or Arion ater)
Spring Cinquefoil (10) (Potentilla verna or Potentilla tabernaemontani)
Nettles(11) (urtica dioica)