Common Tansy or Tanacetum vulgare

common Tansy

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Common tansy

A very common perennial herbaceous flowering plant , which
can be found on the roadside . The flowers are very typical:
yellow with a button shape and feeling.
Tansy can grow almost everywere: in sunshine or shade , on every
kind of ground.

Tansy on the roadside

Tansy can be found on place that were first occupied
by stinging nettles and giant Hogweed.
Tansy uses the nitrates more efficiently
then the stinging nettles.

Cypress spurge (1) (Euphorbia cyparissias)
spurge hawk moth (Hyles euphorbiae) White Deadnettle (3)(Lamium album).
Henbane (4)(Hyosciamus niger)
Common tansy(5)(tanacetum vulgare)(4),
Houseleeks (6) Sempervivum
Herb Robert(7)(Geranium robertianum)
Large black sludge(8)(arion empiricorum or Arion ater)
Spring Cinquefoil (10) (Potentilla verna or Potentilla tabernaemontani)
Nettles(11) (urtica dioica)

The poison of tansy

Tansy contains a poison (thujon) that has a strong bitter taste.
This poison kills very effectivly internal parasites, especially
Tansy is eaten by sheeps and cows but avoided by horses,
because of its bitter taste.
Tansy can cause dermatitis by contacting the leaves.

Common tansy gets on meter high. It flowers during the whole.

The flowers of common Tansy have the shape and feeling of buttons

Mother nature between the sheets!

Give youre pillows a taste of parfume by
placing some leaves between them.
You can use these leaves:

Lemon verbena
Lady's bedstraw

    common tansy

    Common Tansy and the evening primrose
    seen in august on the roadside.

    Behind the common tansy are the seedboxes of the evening primrose.

    Poisonous yellow flowers

    Some yellow flowers resemble each other,
    which is a problem as Ragwort and St Johns
    wort are both dangerous for cattle and humans.
    Yellow chamomile, St Johns wort and Ragwort
    flower all during the summer and often on the
    same places, like the verge of a road.
    Take a look at these yellow flowers:

    Yellow Chamomile

    St Johnwort


    Common sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus)

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