Common Yarrow
Common Yarrow is a up to 1 meter high herbaceous perennial plant
It has faethery leaves that produce a strange smell.
The flowering period is at the end of the spring.
Yarrow is very tolerant , it will grow on every soil, is very
resistant against freezing temperatures and drought
For these reasons Yarrow can be found on almost every
part of the land , especialy on roadsides.
Yarrow has a lot of small white or pink
flowe , arranged as a disk . These flowers attract a lot of Bees
and butterflies, and for this reason Yarrow is often part of
butterfly gardens.

Collecting Yarrow
Yarrow resembles the wild carrot and in some way the
poisionous water Hemlock, they all have white diskflowers.
Yarrow is easely recognised for it has feathery leaves.
Boil the leaves for 15 minutes . Yarrowtea has a mild
taste and is often mixed with other herbs.
Yarrowtea is a remedy against menstrual irregularities, but
has no widespread use.

The leaves hav a feathery appearance.

Flies are attracted by the frangrance of Yarrow.