The carrot is a common winter vegetable,
tasty, easy and inexpensive to grow.
Winter carrots are resistant to
frost and can be stored very long.
carrot foliage
The foliage is also edible and can be
cooked in a standpot. Carrot Foliage
is a cheap pet food, for example
rabbits are fond on it.
Winter carrot and the carrot fly
Carrots are easy to grow,
but the carrot fly is the big problem.
The carrot fly is practically invisible
and lays the eggs on the roots.
The damage to the root is not visible,
only after harvesting it appears how
much damage was done. There are only
two ways to grow youre winter carrots:
with or without fleece.
The fleece fabric is effective against
the fly.
The other way is with pesticides
There are also carrot varieties that do
not root or has a low sensitivity to the
(Larvae of) the carrot fly. Do not grow
two generations of carrots after each
other on the same ground.
Sow carrots not too close together,
This creates more damage done by the carrot fly.
Winter Carrot in the vegetable garden
Carrots grow best in sandy soil,
and in full clay is not fully
efficiency is obtained. If there is
a clay soil, make the soil lighter
by using sand and compost.
This is a two-year crop: in the first year
the reserve are formed in the root
stored in the second year it will produce flowers.
Winter carrot varieties, cultivars
Take carrots that form long roots in sandy
soil, and blunt root varieties in clay soil.
There are two known varieties of carrot:
Flakkeese Berlikumer carrots and carrots.
Berlikumer is tastier, the yellow carrot
' Flakkeese' is productive.
Sow from mid-April. Also: thirty centimeters
distance between rows. Then thin out until
the distance between carrots is 5 centimeters.
Hoe often! Carrot Seed is growing slowly and
it the weeds will outgrow it easily.
Winter Carrot seed
Carrot as early winter in the ground
be sown from April to the
Summer is possible.
Sow carrot not too close together:
This makes the life of the carrot fly
too easy, but also to the roots will be
curved, not only difficult
harvest but also harder to clean.
Mirepoix or soffritto
A mixture of chopped carrot, onion and celery
called mirepoix or sofritto. It is the basis for
Many French and Italian cuisine. Fry
mirepoix 10 minutes in olive oil. This is the
aux maigre mirepoix (mirepoix lean), or
bacon or bacon (mirepoix au viande).
A traditional recipe, typical for the winter months.
a kilo of carrots,
a kilo of potatoes,
one large onion,
butter, milk
Cook the sliced winter carrots together
with the potatoes and sliced onion
at least half hour in a large pot, cover,
Stamp after all, with a knob of butter,
one cup milk.
This is usually eaten with smoked sausage,
let it cook,
There are many variations on this theme:
sometimes the fried onions and added later,
sometimes the root is also baked. Instead
of smoked sausage or bacon, beef can be used.
For Sprouting
Some seeds germinate very slowly.
It is better to let them inside onkiemen
and only then to sow, so they have a
ahead of the weeds.
Mix the seed with white sand (sharp sand =) and make
the sand moist. Over time there will be
white dots on the seed:
time for them to bring the soil to sow.
Harvesting the carrots: just take out what
you need. Use a spading fork.
Winter carrot is mainly grown under fleece fabric.
Winter Carrot and fleece fabric
Winter Root is mainly grown commercial with the
use of fleece.
The carrot fly is flying low above the ground.
Fleece fabric is not only effective against flies
but also against rabbits and other vermin.
Fleece fabric raises the temperature of the
land with about 2 degrees. Therefore, there
is a higher yield, it also protect from
autumn storms and hail.
Winter carrots on the market of Kathmandu, Nepal.
Although Kathmandu is remote and on a high altitude,
with hot summers and cold winters and cold nights.
Yet the winter carrot is also for sale here.
The winter carrot grows more compact, because
the soil is stiffer.
The winter carrot is mainy used in soup and stew
yellow and black Winter Carrot
The yellow carrot is sweeter and has a higher
yield than the orange.
For this reason it is expected that the yellow
carrot will become more popular. A familiar
and old and easy to grow race is the "yellow Lobbericher".
Winter Carrot in the future
The expectation is that the familiar orange carrot
in the future will be replaced by the more
productive yellow carrot. Also, the
carrot will be partly replaced by the parsnip , which in
England is called "white carrot" but is not at all related with the winter carrot. alt="winterwortel"
The cut figures of carrot.
1 slices
2 asterisks
3 cube
4 diamond
5 rosette
6 fries
7 juliennes
8 crescent