Winter Purslane, Spring Beauty, Miner's lettuce, or Indian lettuce

Winter Purslane

The ditch | Waterplants | Marshes | living food | Northsea | Worms | Snails | Butterflies | Bugs | Spiders | Dragonfly | Flies | Birds | mosses | Flowers |
Trees 1 | Trees 2 | Herbs | Wild flowers A-D | Wilde flowers E-M | Wilde flowers N-S | Wilde flowers T-X | Climbers | Ferns | Fungus | Lichen |

Winter Purslane

winter purslane A real winter vegetable , not avaiable in the spring
and summer. Winter Purslane is eaten raw, on
sandwiches, in salads. It is very easy to grow.

Winter purslane in the vegetable garden

Sow the purslane in the summer, for harvest in the
fall. When sown in August or later, use a greenhouse
or flat glasshouse . These are small plants,
so a few inches between the rows is enough.
The seeds germinate easily.

Winter purslane in the greenhouse

Winter purslane cab be sown in a glasshouse
in august or september. The harvest will be
somewhere in januari or februari.
Season ends in april as Winter Purslane
will form flowers and seeds. If this happen to you:
try to collect those seeds and use them for yourself.

harvesting of winter purslane

Winter Purslane is cut with a scissor close to
the ground. Try to eat winterpusne directly from
youre own garden.

    Winter Purslane on a beautiful day in November, not yet ready to harvest.
    Winter Purslane is very frost resistant.


    sprouts stew purslane stew carrot stew parsnip.php

    winter purslane stew

    1 kilo of potatoes,
    a bag of winter purslane
    The potatoes should cook long enough, about 20 minutes.
    Drain, and then the plants through winter purslane,
    mash and serve.
    This stew is mostly eaten with smoked sausage, bacon or beef.
