Water Measurer
The water measurer is an extremely thin animal that
walks on the surface of your pond.
They are wingless even as adults.
Water Measurer, a hunter
The water Measure hunts for prey on the water surface,
like flies that touched the watersurface and aren't
quick enough to fly away. But mostly the hunt for
prey just beneath the surface, like waterflies.
They spear there prey with the sharp pointed
mandibula's or jaws ( called proboscis), that inject
a protein into the body of there prey, the protein
acts as a poison.
But they also feed on dead animals (scavanger).
the thin body of the Water Measurer
Walking on the surface is only possible by the fine
hairs on the legs that spread the weight. These hairs
are a waterreppelant.
But also the extreme light weight of there body makes
that walking possible. Unlike the water skaters they
do not attract the attention of the fish, as there
thin body does not make a shadow.
Pond Scater and Water Measurer
The Water Measure is a solitairy hunters,
pond scaters hunt in groups. Pond Scaters
are also more abundant. They are
the distribution of the Water Measurer
They can be found in Middle and south Europ and Asia,
and also in the North of Africa.

Water Scater, backswimmer and Water scorpion, feeding on a stickelback.
bugs or Heteroptera
On this website you will find:
te vinden:
water stick insect or Ranatra linearis
Green shield bug
water scorpion
water boatman