Red Admiral
A very common , very well known butterfly with a large
red circle n its wings. The Red Admiral flies every
year from Spain to the North of Europe. This starts early
in spring. a lot of those Red Admirals return in fall,
but some stay in North , trying to survive the winter.
What they eat
The Red admiral loves honey but also rotten fruit.
It easy to attract these butterflies with some
rotten fruit in fall.
eggs are laid one by on one on the leaves of the
nettles, the developing caterpillar feds on the
leaves, but also bites a hole in the stem of the nettle.
This colorfull butterfly has a large red circel on
its wings, on the underside of the wings the nummer 81
can be found.

Butterflies of Europe.
1 Common Brimstone or Gonepteryx rhamni
2 Chackhill blue or Polommatus coridon
3 Red admiral or Vanessa Atalanta
4 peacock butterfly or inachis io
5 Chackhill blue or Polommatus coridon, darker variant