vinegar eels

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Vineger eels

These small worms are good and cheap food for young fishes.
Its very easy to raise them in a jar at room temperature.
Start with a mixture of natural vinegar and water. (1:1
Add some small pieces of apple. This will do the job.
The natural vinegar can be replaced by old wine or apple cider vinegar.
Remove the ees by using a soft brush. Wash the eels with
fresh water.

Vinegar eels compared with micro eels

Vinegar eels dont have that incredable reproduction speed
that can be seen raising microworms'
But vinegar eels can be stored in normal water and don't smell.

Vinegar eels in the aquarium

Vinager eels stay alive in the aquarium and don't try
to hide in the sand on the bottom. Vinegar eels swing
near the surface and can be easely catched by young fishes.

Vinegar eels disadvantage

the major disadvantage of vinegar eels (and microworms)
are the high fat content. this is o.k. for small fish ,
but absolutely not for the adult fish.

In this container vinegar eels are raised.
The person on the background is Henk, he raises
these worms for his own fish.

the male and female vinegar eel anatomy.