
Spirographis spallanzani, a feather duster worm.

This is a large tubeworm that lives in the sandy bottoms of the Mediterranean Sea. The Spirographis spallanzani has a specialized structures called crown, which is extended from the tubes to collect food particles and for gas exchange. This crown had striking colors, mostly orange and white in bands. This polychaete worm secretes a mucuos material in order to form a flexibel tube that stands vertical from the sand or muddy substrate.

Spirographis spallanzani, a feather duster worm.

Another freeswimming transparant worm can be seen: This is Torrea Candida. it belongs to the Alciopidae.

Spirographis spallanzani with Sabelliphilus elongatus attached to Sabella pavonina

parasites of Spirographis spallanzani

Sabelliphilus elongatus (M.Sars 1862) attaches itself to the branchial plumes of Sabella pavonina and Spirographis spallanzani, while Sabelliphilus sarsi (Claparede 1870) attaches to the body of Spirographis spallanzani.

1 Tomopteris
2 Spirographis Spallanzanii
3 Protula intestinum
4 Aphrodite aculeata
5 Hydroides norvegicus
6 Lanice conchilega
7 Hermella Sabellariidae

Some special forms of sealive. source: Colin & Cie, 1897
1 goose barnacles or Lepadidae
2 man-of-war
3 salpes sp
4 Phidoloporidae sp
5 Flustra foliacea
6 Botrylle sp
7 seamouse or Aphrodita aculeata
8 sand mason worm or Lanice conchilega
9 feather duster worm or Spirographis spallanzi