Leopard's bane or doronicum
The Leopard's bane is a strong early flowering
plant with bright yellow daisy-like flowers.
The Leopard's bane is closely related to
the aster and is a very productive border
plant. It is also an attractive pot plant
and cut flower. Leopard's bane is often
the first daisylike flower that blossums
in spring. They will grow in almost every
ground and even in half shadow. They
form rhizomes and are easely divided
at the end of the summer.

Leopard's bane as a corsage.
doronicum flowering
flowering starts early in spring and
stops in the middle of the summer.
Leopard's bane cultivars
The most productiv and popular cultivar is the
doronicum plantagium excelsium, with even
more bright yellow flowers

These plants are flowering plants belonging to
the family Asteraceae. on this website you can find:
aster novae-angliae
aster cultivars and aster nova-belgii
Leopards bane or doronicum
Aster tripolium or Sea Aster