Tadpoles, Frogfish

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Algae and frogspawn form a symbiosis:
The embryonic tadpoles feed on the algae
and the algae find shelter and
food in the frog spawn.

tadpoles starting there live

When froglets leave the water,
they all have a tail.
They are also capable to
against the window and can ascape
that way.
A photo from Marnix Bakker

5 froglets on a piece of wood.
In nature they use the leaves of Frogbit.
A photo from Andre

A frogfish eating fishfood , using its upper and lower lip

Two photo's made by Jan de Olde


    Dutch: kikkervisjes
    Every spring I collect frogspawn from the pond. It is a real pleasure
    to watch the development or metamorfosis into a frog or toad
    Frogspawn can be found in the shallow sections of a pond.
    There are four stages in the development:

    Frogspawn stage

    First Week
    The embryos turn around in their eggs, which can clearly be seen
    through the transparent shell. The yoke (he transparant jelly) is slowly
    used up and a hole appears in the shell through which the new tadpole
    can escape. Eggs that don’t develop become opaque or grey.

    A symbiosis with the algae

    First Week
    Algae grow in the wall of the eggs. When the aid of sunligh the
    spawn rises because if the production of oxygen. When it is dark the
    spawn sinks back to the bottom. This is actually a form of symbiosis between
    the algae and the spawn with advantages for both the spawn and the algae.
    By rising to the surface there is less chance that the frogs-spawn will get
    eaten by a salamander or fish
    The algae are also food for the tadpoles. The advantage for the algae
    is that they get nutridients from the tadpole.
    Almost all the other creatures in a pond eat frogspawn, like
    sticklebacks, salamanders, fresh waterlobster ,waterinsects eat frogspawn.

    Various stages of frog embryos: Left and to the front still
    completely rolled up. To the right you can distinguish the head
    ,body and tail. On the wall of the egg you can see the first
    algae colonies, which will later cover the whole egg supplying
    oxygen and nourishment. Edible frog and brown frogs search
    for shallow water, which smells of algae so that they are sure
    of food for their tadpoles.

    When the tadpoles come out of there eggs
    they lie on top of the spawn and stay there for a little
    before they sart swimming. In this stage they are very
    vulnerable and breathe with heire gills.

    kikkervis 6 weken
    first month

    Mainly a head with a tail :you can see there external gills.
    They get most of their oxygen through their gills and a little through
    their mouths. The tadpoles like to eat the algae on the waterplants.
    Tadpoles have the tendency to conceal themselves in duckweed. They feed then on the plankton algae, which floats just below
    the surface. This is called neuston. If you want to keep a tadpole
    put a big pot of water outside in the sun for a little while and the
    algae forms automatically. You can feed them with boiled lettuce,
    they'll love it! The tadpoles are eaten
    by almost all of the other pond predators like salamanders,
    freshwater lobster, shrimps and waterinsects, fish etc.
    As a defence to discourage mainly larger fish some sorts are poisonous.

    Problems raising tadpoles:

    The biggest problems are the result of overpopulation:
    - The water gets cloudy or msty , ths is due by bacterial growth. Often because there are dead frogfishes. Chance the water. - The tadpoles stop there development, no legs appear,
    they stay small: this happen when there is a lack of food.
    Give fishfood or waterplants.
    - Floating on the surface: there is shortness of oxygen in
    water , or the water is to acid: change the water or the
    temperature s too high.
    Solution: bring the most of youre tadpoles back to the pond.
    Add waterplants: they produce oxygen, filter the bacteria out
    and are food for the frogfish. change the water. a low
    temperature is better for almost everything.
    Remember that in the nature 99.7% of the tadpoles never make it.

    Four legs and a tail

    First month
    This is a difficult stage because the tadpoles are changing.
    The gills disappear and they have to come to the surface to breath.
    Also their eating habits change : they start eating other small water animals,
    cadavers and sometimes floating fish food. When their front legs appear
    they stop feeding and digest their own tail.
    Artifial feeding: Give red mosquito larvae
    otherwise cannibalism creeps in.
    Eventually the tail disappears to a small point.

    A froglet-photo by Marnix Bakker.

    froglet stage
    Afther 2 to 3 months
    there is a froglet.The froglet needs somewhere to be able to rest
    such as a small peace of wood floating on the water. In this stage
    many fall victim to cannibalism of bigger frogs. You need to keep
    edible frogs and the froglets apart. Feed them with Fruitfly<\/a> byplacing
    a piece of orange or other fruit near the froglets. They wll
    eat the frutflies that are attracted by the orange smell.

    frogs or toads?
    You can find frogs spawn from frogs in May. Edible frogs earlier han brown frogs,
    March or April. The spawn of toad sinks to the bottom. The spawn of
    edible frogs stays on the surface. The toad lays his eggs in a line.
    frogs in balls. The tadpoles from frogs are light with spots while tadpoles
    from toads are almost black and a little bigger.

    Further reading:
    Look at
    edible fog for the adult stage.
    If you want to know which plants are friends with tadpoles go to frogbite and lesser duckweed
    frogspawn in shallow waer

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