Cape Blue waterlily
Nymphaea capensis
This beautiful waterplant has its origin in the
South of Africa. Nowadays it can be found in ponds
allover the world, although its not winter hardy.
This is the most obvious reason why this waterlily
is not very populair. The blue water lilly
opens in the morning.
The seeds from the Cape blue
Seeds are formed under water after the flower retracts
itself under the watersurface. The seeds then floats
on the water away. They germinated in shallow water.

The Cape Blue waterlily is a beautiful waterplant.

1: Watersoldier (Stratiotes aloides)
2: Yellow pond-lily (Nuphar lutea)
3: Bladderwort (Utricularia vulgaris )
4: European frog-bit. ( Hydrocharis morsus-ranae)
5: Lobelia dortmanna( Lobelia dortmanna )
6: Whitewater crowfoot (Batrachium aquatile of Ranunculus aquitalis)
7: Cape blue waterlilly ( Nymphaea capensis)