common Medlar

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common Medlar

A small deciduous tree that grows up to 5 meter tall.
It blooms with large white flowers and is used as an
ornamental tree. The leaves have nice colors in fall.
The tree requiers acid soil and mild winters.

The flowering of the common medlar

The white flowers are large and the most important reason
for using it as an ornamental tree. The flowers are
especially large in the cultivar: Dutch medlar.

The common medlar or Mespilus germanica.

The edible fruits

The fruits of the medlar are edible , and are becoming more
popular these days. The fruits are ripe in october
but can;t be eaten. They are hard and light of color.
They ned to rest for some weeks to give the fermentation
time to produce an edidble fruit. Whenn the common
edlar becomes dark and soft its edible. A period of frost
increase the fermentation proces, the medlar is bletted
by frost. The taste of the medlar resembles the taste of wine.

    The medlar is ripe in october

    The large flower and leaves in june.

    Cultivar of the Medlar

    The most productive cultivars are 'Nottingham' and 'Dutch',
    they produce the most flowers and fruits.

    Cutting of the medlar

    No cutting is needed for this slow growing small tree.
    Also cutting will deminish the amount of flowers and fruits.

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