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morfology of the Cyclops

The eye is a simple one, in the middle of the head,
and only differentiates between dark and light.
There are two pairs of antennae , used for fast
swimming. the body has the form of a torpedo.
Copepods use small appendages near their mouths
to capture food: everything thats smaller will be eaten
when the eggs are hatched very tiny nauplii .
Those nauplii change form as they grow.(metamorphosis)

Anatomy of the Cyclops

Hydra is another big enemy, paralysing the cyclose
by stinging them

living in fresh water:
1Diaptomus with eggs
2Cyclops with eggs
5Waterflea (dapnia)
6daphnia sp.
7leptodora kindtii


    Cyclops Strenuus

    Cyclops are small fast moving animals that live in youre pond.
    They spend most of the day feeding on algae, just like the
    waterflee (Daphnia). There colour can change, mostly white,
    but red green and brown are possible. The three-spined stickleback
    is there greatest enemy, and the stickleback prefers cyclops
    above daphnia. But cyclops is much faster then the stickleback.
    Its easy to breed cyclops but breeding daphnia gives a much
    faster result. Its hard to find literature about this subject,
    but its probably best with the use of dead leaves.
    Cyclops can be catched alive in every season, even in wintertime,
    when its hard to find daphnia. They can be find in water were
    ducks and duckweed lives. Remember that cyclops, diaptomus
    and daphnia have a much lower caloric value then bloodworms.

    cyclops,female with eggs in brakkish water.

    the egg and nauplius stadia (the young cyclops).
    Cyclops are fast horizontale swimmers, using there antenna's to row.
    When in danger they also use their swimming legs.
    They also react much quicker on danger then daphnia.
    Just like daphnia they are attracted by light.
    In the evening they dive to the bottom of the pond.

    copepods (cyclops and diaptomus )are much faster
    then there predators or daphnia: the body of diaptomus
    has a torpedo form

    60x , living , they are hard to vieuw alive as there body
    contains little contrast.

    Nauplii are the first stages of cyclops. A Nauphlus is invisible
    small and feeds on phytoplancton, algae and bacteria.

    Mysis contains the highest amount of protein in living found
    and also a large amount of fat.

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