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Idotea balthica Zweeds:Havsgråsuggan, Engels: baltic isopod

Idotea balthica, baltic isopod

The Idotea Baltica is a marine isopod that lives in rockpools
These animals can live in the extreme conditons
of the rockpools, feeding with the seaweeds that
are abundant in the midtide and hightide rockpools.
They can have different colors, red and green and
white and brown are all possible. The females are
brighter then the males. The length of a female
is 2cm. Its protected by its armour
and has only a few enemies.

A fast moving Baltic isopod, this is a white female

    Baltic isopod

    what do they eat?

    The Idothea baltica is an omnivore , it eats everything it can get.
    They eat fresh algae, in fact they are one of the few sea-animals that
    are able to eat fresh algae. And this a good reason to keep this jewel
    in youre sea aquarium or brakkish water aquarium. They also eat worms,
    macroalgae (seaweed) and each other (cannibalism). They come in
    bright clors green red and white . It is not good understood why they
    have those bright colors.

    In the aquarium

    These beautiful animals look for themselves. They are highly untouchable
    for other fishes, and avoid contact with shrimps.
    They use to live under and on the leaves of seaweeds.

    The same female Baltic isopod, seeking shelter


    These animals can roll-up and form a ball that protects
    the underside, the eyes and antennas.
    The plates on the back will protect them not only for predators
    but also against seawaves.

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