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Swallowtail or Papilio machaon

A beautiful butterfly that display striking colors on
its wings. There are blue dots and two red dots on the

The swallowtail and Fennel

Females lay eggs only on plants of the umbeliferae family, like
Fennel and wild Carrot.
Just sit next to a flowering wild carrot and wait until swallow


Male and female Swallowtail gather around small hills
in the landscape to meet each other and mate, this is called:

    -1 Large skipper, catarpillar (Ochlodes venata)
    -2 Large skipper, male (Ochlodes venata)
    -3 Ghost moth, catarpillar (Hepialus humuli)
    -4 Ghost moth,catarpillar (Hepialus humuli)
    -5 catarpillar(Canephora hirsuta)
    -6 male (Canephora hirsuta)
    -7 The Drinker, catarpillar (Euthrix potatoria)
    -8 The Drinker, male (Euthrix potatoria)
    -9 Anthler moth, catarpillar (Charaeas graminis)
    -10 Anthler moth , male(Charaeas graminis)
    -11 Swallowtail, catarpillar (Papillio hospiton)
    -12 Swallowtail, male (Papillio hospiton)
    -1 Vanilla grass (Authoxantum odoratum)
    -2 Meadow oat grass (Helictotrichon pratensis)
    -3 Quaking grass (Briza media)
    -4 Common velvet grass (Holcus lanatus)
    -5 perrinial Ryegrass (Arrtheratherum elatus)
    -6 tall oatgrass (Lolium perenne)
    -7 Ox eye daisy (Chrysanthemum leucanthemum)
    -8 Meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis)
    -9 Cuckoo flower (Cardamine pratensis)
    -10 Meadow vetching(Lathyrus pratensis)
    -11 Marsh marigold (Caltha palustris)
    -12 Meader Foxtail (Alopecus pratensis)
    -13 Soft Brome (Bromus hordeaceus)

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