Jerusalem thorn, Garland Thorn, Christ's Thorn or Paliurus spini-christi

Christ's Thorn or Paliurus spini-christi

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Christ's Thorn

Paliurus spina-christi

This is a small shrub up to 2 meter high.
This shrub is full of thorns. It blooms with yellow.
flowers in the summer and forms brown seeds in fall
and winter. The Crown of thorns can be used as a
slow growing hedge that reaches a height of more then.
a meter after 7 years.

Propagation of the Christ's Thorn

This most easely done by the use of the strange brown
seeds in spring. These seeds needs a lot of warmth
to germinate.

    The Crown of thorns fine flowers in the mid-summer

    The seeds of the Christ's Thorn at the start of August.

    Impressive thorns of the Christ's Thorn.

    thorny bushes

    These shrubs can be an effectiv measurement
    against cats and thieves. They get more then a meter
    high and will increase the wildlive in youre garden.
    They will grow on every soil.

    Common Blackthorn
    Common Gorse
    Common Buckthorn
    European Barberry
    Sea buckthorn

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