the cicada
Cicada are insects that feed on plants, they are good flyers with large wings.
The eyes are set wide apart on the anterior lateral corners of the frons.
Cicada's are easely recognized, mainly due to their large size and unique sound.
These "songs" are made by the males make using special structures called tymbals,
This way they attract the females that here there songs from miles away.
Most of the cicada's live in the tropics. Some cicada are discussed below: De mannacicada
This is the most noisy of all insects, producing a loud tjirping sound for hours.
The manna cicada lives in the south of Europe.
his cicada is extremely good camouflaged, with transparant wings
and a grey body, covered wih sm,all brown spots.
The mannacicada lives on the fraxinus orni, manna ash or South European flowering ash.

The manna cicada produce a large noise.
the magicicada
Some cicada have a synchronized live: almost all of them mature into adults in the same year.
There are cicades that have a 13 year and some have a 17 year long life cycle:
It is not very good understood how they do this synchronisation.
Another thing that is amazing is the extremne long live for an insect.

Magicicadas change from the puppae into the adult stage in only some minutes. This insect live 17 years underground, feeding from the roots of trees. The males produce a really loud noise , attracting the females.

Some cicada's:
1 The p'ang-chiang cicada or Cicada plebeja
2 Cicada orni of Mannacicada
3 magicicade or Cicada septemdecim or periodical cicada or 17 year cicada
4 Cicada speciosa 5 Aphrophora Salicis 6 Cixius nervus or lacehopper 7 Cercopis bivittata 8 Ledra aurita or earcicada 9 Centropus cornutus 10 Alchisme grossa of Membracine Treehopper 11 Dictiophora europaea or Europese lanternfly 12 Pyrops candelarius or Chinese lanternfly
These cicades have a slender proboscis that is used to pierce tree bark
to reach the sap. So it is not used for emitting light .
All laternflies are sought by collectors.
On this website you can see the beautiful Chines laternfly, the European and
the peanut laternfly that can be found in the jungle of Surinam.
The Chinese laternfly lives from the longan tree
and the strongly related lychee tree
P. candelaria feeds on plant sap (from longan and lychee trees, among others).
Its long, slender proboscis is used to pierce tree bark to reach the sap. They are often sought out by collectors.
ear cicade or Ledra aurita
This is a large grey leafhopper with an
ear-like projections on the pronotum, used for camouflage purpose.
It lives between lichen-covered trees, and can be found by the loud stridulation.