
The sea slater

The sea slater can be found on rocks that are exposed to the waves. They are confined to areas just above the high water mark on the seashore. Sea slaters are active animals and can run at about 1 mph and are fast swimmers. These are truely

The sea slater has a dangerous live

These animals lives in the supra littoral zone and are having a difficult live live in the supralitoral world changes fast: The sea slater is sometimes submerged by the tide and the waves. There is a danger of getting diseccated because the sea slater has gills, sunshine and strong winds can evaporate the bodt fluids quickly. Rain can bring a sudden osmotic stress. Cold temperatures can be found during wintertime, ice cristals can damage the gills.

The sea slater lives in cracks

To avoid the dangerous conditions, but also predators, the sea slater hides in cracks in the rocks. It has an nocturnal live, feeding and mating at night.

The sea slater feeds on seaweed

The sea slater feeds on every seaweed that can be found in the supra littoral, it is especially fond of bladderwrack.

Seaslater has up to 3cm long body. There are seven pairs of walking legs (pereopods) and 2 uropods. Their flattened shape is perfect for squeezing into the gaps between the rocks.

The sea slater changes color

These little animals are very well camouflaged, they have a flattened shape so the skirts of their armour plates are pressed close to the ground and they cast no shadow on the rocks. They also have the ability to change slowly from color.

predators of the sea slater

Crabs and gulls prey on them. To avoid being eaten, seaslaters have adapted to a nocturnal live and use there big eyes.

Slaters and crustaceans from the Northsea
From:"Der Strandwanderer" by P. Kuckuck. 1905
1 Norway Lobster or Nephrops norvegicus
2 Chameleon Shrimp or Hippolyte varians
3 black squat lobster or Montagu's Plated Lobster or Galathea squamifera
4 Common Spider Crab or Macropodia rostrata
5 Great Spider Crab or Hyas araneus
6 Common Swimming Crab or Liocarcinus holsatus
7 chameleon shrimp or Praunus flexuosus
8 Idotea balthica
9 Beach-hopper or Orchestia gammarellus
10 Sand hopper or Talitrus saltator
11 seaslater