The baltic tellin or clam
This is a small clam that lives directly under the surface of mudflats and coastal waters. It has two small suction tubes that extend beyond the surfaces. The shells of the Baltic tellin can be found on the beaches : Childern are fond onthem because of the lovely colors. The shells can be found in large amount after a storm.
The baltic clam distribution
The Baltic clam has a wide distribution: almost all the northern seas and in the shallow parts of the Artic and Northern Atlantic ocean. It is believed that this small clam has only recently been introduced in Europa. The Baltic tallin can also be found in the brackish parts of the northern Baltic sea.

The shell of the Baltic tellin of clam.
The baltic clam on its return
In the North sea there is a strong decline in the amount of Baltic clams: It is believed to be caused by the warming of the Wadden Sea, due to climatological changes: Crabs become inactiv if the temperature of the water is low. Crabs are the most important predators of the Baltic tallin. North sea shrimps migrate to deeper parts of sea during the winter. But the North sea shrimp remains activ during the soft winters: they feed on the eggs of the Baltic tallin. So there is much more predation by crabs and shrimps.

The baltic clam is very colorfull and polymorph in appearance.
The baltic clam in the Chesapeake Bay
The Baltic clam is an important food source for diving ducks in the Chesapeake Bay. The baltic clam constitutes for more then 90 percent of the food of the canvasbacks, the most dominant species of diving ducks. The decline in the amount of diving ducks is probably due to increased year-round boat traffic, and increased levels of contamination.

Live in the mudflats of the Chesapeake bay.
1 stout razor clam or Tagelus plebeius
2 burrowing anemone or Edwardsia elegans
3 red ribbon worm of Tubulanus annulatus
4 common clam worm or Nereis succinea of Alitta succinea;
5 red gilled mudworm or Marenzella viridis
6 glassy tube worm or Spiochaetopterus oculatus
7baltic macona clam
8 soft shelled clam or Mya arenia
9 hard clam or Mercenaria mercenaria

Bivalves of the Northsea and baltic sea, printed in 1905, München. J.F. Lehmanns Verlag, as an illustration for "Der Strandwanderer" by P. Kuckuck.
1 European Flat Oyster, Mud Oyster or Edible Oyster or Ostrea edulis
2 Queen Scallop or Pecten opercularis
3 Blue Mussel or Mytilus edulis
4 Common Cockle or Cardium edule
5 Ocean Quahog or Cyprina islandica
6 Venus Clam or Venus gallina
7 Trough-shell or Mactra solida
8 White Furrow Shell or Scrobicularia alba
9 Banded Wedge-shell or Donax vittatus
10 Baltic Macoma, Baltic Clam or Baltic Tellin or Tellina baltica
11 Sword Razor Shell or Solen ensis
12 Soft-shell Clam or Mya arenaria
13 Common Piddock or Pholas dactylus
14 Shipworm ,Teredo worm or Teredo navalis