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champions league finances
Author: rbr
Date: 24-10-2007, 13:44
Sorry if this is tha wrong forum , but does anyone know when uefa publish the figires foe this years c/l finances , ie how much each club gets , money for wins draws etc , many thanks , trying to sort out an arguement

Re: champions league finances
Author: badgerboy
Date: 24-10-2007, 14:24
I don't think they publish figures for the current year until the season is over although the amounts for winning matches etc. should I believe be the same as for last year.

These figures were published in a fairly recent issue of UEFA direct. Actually July - follow the link from this page

The TV market share figures will fluctuate for various reasons. The most obvious one for Scottish teams is that this year their revenue will be split two ways.

Re: champions league finances
Author: rbr
Date: 24-10-2007, 17:30
cheers badger , and good luck with Benfica tonight lets hope it's another great week for the scottich clubs