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LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: LevskiFan
Date: 29-07-2006, 17:06
Edited by: LevskiFan
at: 29-07-2006, 17:07
First leg will be played in Sofia, on the national stadium Vasil Levski, not Georgi Asparuhov, because Vasil Levski fits 45,000, 15,000 more than our stadium! There's no way there will be any empty seats left during the match, bacause this is the most important match for us this year.....our biggest dream may come true if we finally make it to the CL!I just want to see what u guys think about this game! I am very optimistic, at least until the end of the first leg If we get a win without conceeding a goal, then we will be the favorites to go through! I can't wait until the match!!!! About 10 days more to go.....

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: KoZ
Date: 29-07-2006, 17:24
----> topic for forum2

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: LevskiFan
Date: 29-07-2006, 17:38
KoZ, I'm sorry but this is the right place for that topic! First because there are other topics about matches like Standart-Steaua for ex., and second because this is the most visited forum! There are so many topics about Steaua, Dinamo....., I want to see what people think about this important match!

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: bert.kassies
Date: 29-07-2006, 17:51
This is not the right forum for such topics. Can't you read what is written above the forum? Fact is that I am too lazy to moderate this forum properly, but to say it is the right forum is one step too far.

Maybe I should remove all topics on single matches.

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: STK
Date: 29-07-2006, 17:58
Yes bert you have a good point. It is normal like having 2 forums to disposition, to establish a profile for each of them.

But then again, there are so many questions:

It is Cristiano Ronaldo a living nightmare?

It is Levski stadium suspended?

It is Israel safe?

And what about Milan?

We only answer to just one until now. Will be Romania on 5th? NO.

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: LevskiFan
Date: 29-07-2006, 17:58
Edited by: LevskiFan
at: 29-07-2006, 18:01
OK, I'm sorry bert u can delete this topic. Its just that everything is flooded about matches, national supercups that there are only a few topic following the instructions! My mistake about this one, but PLEASE BE EQUAL TO EVERYONE, if u tell me that this topic should be in forum 2, please do the same to the rest of the topics!
Thank u!


Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: bert.kassies
Date: 29-07-2006, 18:01
LevskiFan, nothing personal. I don't blame you.

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: KoZ
Date: 29-07-2006, 18:44
Edited by: KoZ
at: 29-07-2006, 18:58

Standart-Steaua is another topic for forum2...typically bulgarian-like,your answer is "i wasn't first" , "why i can't, when someone else can"....whatever.
We just got a big discussion about spamming topics like this with our Romanian fellows, and now i see u do the same,its pitty!

About Levski's chances vs Cievo i think that we cannot say now any predictions since we don't know what the team's form will be when the day comes. Its clear that the teams are not able to play at 100% at so early stage of the season.I really hope Levski has much more to show, becouse what they played vs Sioni was poor crap!

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: LevskiFan
Date: 29-07-2006, 18:58
Edited by: LevskiFan
at: 29-07-2006, 19:00
OMG KoZ!!! I have no idea why are u making such as big fuss out of nothing...if u wanna argue just say so! I said fine delete the topic, withiout complaining or anything! I've got absolutely no problem with that! The only thing I did was to point ou that this wasn't the only topic that has to be moved, in fact it is 1 of the hundreds...and that everything should be treated equally! Now if u see any complains, provocations... tell me cause I don't!What did u mean by tipically for a Bulgarian??? I have no problems with u man, and hope it'll stay like that

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: 5UCLGSteams
Date: 29-07-2006, 19:20
I don't want to upset Bert because i am quite new here but i am curious if there is the possibility that a topic might be renamed like for example "Standard-Steaua?" could be renamed to "Predictions for reaching UCLGS" where predictions for all ties could be done without annoying other people.
It should be of course creator of the topic the first one to think at others too but in such cases could something like this be done in order to avoid any kind of grumble ?


Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: KoZ
Date: 29-07-2006, 19:23
Typically for a Bulgarian -
"It's not right to post here, but why shouldn't I, when others do it;I will stop when others stop too"
"Why should i pay taxes,when i know so many that don't; i will start doing it when all start doing it"
"Ok i am wrong, but why blame only ME, why dont u blame all the others that are wrong"
"Why shouldn't i steal from the country if i got an opertunity,all the rest do!!"
I think this is so so tipically bulgarian-like..
Whatever, that went so off topic, and that is not personally to you LevskiFan, i hope we close the subject now, or at least for me is closed!

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: MalcolmW
Date: 29-07-2006, 19:31
This forum is meant for coefficient related topics, so "Which unseeded teams will win?" is fine, but "how do you see the next round?" is not, and belongs on Forum 2.

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: LevskiFan
Date: 29-07-2006, 19:32
KoZ: U r really making me laugh How did u manage to come up with all that c**p???? U are really funny man...but anyway I'm not going to discuss this, if u have any personal issues or problems that dioesn't concern me!

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: 5UCLGSteams
Date: 29-07-2006, 19:53
@MalcolmW: but it is of course quite correct for belonging to this forum i suppose if one topic is being named "Which unseeded teams will win the next round?" isn't it?

I think the topic creator should just think that his creation should be related as much as possible to all the others or at least not to only 5-10% of the users and of course related to coeff as much as possible except let's say "Thanks to Bert" cases and other really constructive ideas.


Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Date: 29-07-2006, 20:55
Edited by:
at: 29-07-2006, 21:19
KoZ: WOW You know bulgarians soooo well .

There is a truth in this statements, but equal all bulgarians with that vision will insult the majority of normal people in here.

I hope you're young kid or teenager, otherwise that sound silly.

I run small familly business in here from 1992 and I can tell you that, situation few years ago, was that made, that if you calculate all the taxes, your business will be death. Things is better now and still in good progres.

You maybe dont understand that, because of you perfectly made western system, but difference for you and me is that we had dictatorship for 50 years (who cant be brake from the people !) and we're where you was dosens of year ago.

If you born in such Matrix, you wont pay your taxes too. What ? You will eat stones and change the system by yourself ?

There is no perfect white and black. There is no natural born muslim terorist or heavy drinker russian.

If you equal all the people, this insult everybody (including normal people).

Be Human, please.


And sure ! Taxes must be calculate right and fully pay.

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: cska
Date: 29-07-2006, 21:18
Hallo, all friends here. (KoZ not included)
@KoZ and Bert (Bert, I wanted to put one of your coded smiles with "On Topic" sign, but there is only "Off Topic")
KoZ, you very quickly did what all the other users here either try to avoid or are recommended (even moderated) to avoid. Hey, guy, this is a football forum, not a politics or a nationalistic one.
First of all, the word "corruption" is not invented by Bulgarians, it is of Latin origin. So, you see that all these sins (disobeying rules, tax evasion and all the rest that you described) existed much time before we, the Bulgarians, could learn them.
If something exists in the whole world from as long time as the world itself exists, then don't blame only us for that.
By the way, what is your nationality ? And don't you have similar problems in your country ? (even if not talking so much on them in open)
Anyway, I am a fan of CSKA - the biggest rival of Levski. But I am Bulgarian before everything else. So, I support Levski to go to CL GS. I don't throw dirt to anyone. I try to be really fair and positively minded. If you, KoZ, try to only insult us, then what makes you more worthy then us if you only throw dirt ?

Bert, I tried to use the other forum. However, sometimes the efforts to over-organize things does not make it better. I really prefer to post on this forum. First, the registration here is much easier. And second, I am not such a great "time loser" and I don't have 24 hours per day to look through each and every topic sorted out and organized under separate section in the other forum.
The greatest thing about this forum is simplicity - I can go over each and every recently discussed question very quickly and I can post adequately my answers.
So, why not posting here ?
I know that you, the Western people, have the culture to be always very organized. However, this forum is also very well organized and well supported. And I see that these topics (not related to coeffs) do not harm anyone and do not make someone's live bitter.
So, why not using it for this purpose as well ?
(it's just a proposal, don't blame me too much. I am not criticising you)

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Date: 29-07-2006, 21:22
Edited by:
at: 29-07-2006, 21:22
This forum rules.

phpBB is full with bugs, and they find exploit for it almost every two weeks.

Hope hackers will stay away from forum #2.

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: KoZ
Date: 29-07-2006, 21:43
Edited by: KoZ
at: 29-07-2006, 21:48
Sorry to all for my previous post!! I can promise you all that i will never ever post on that forum non-football releated subjects!!
I am just seeing non-stop in my evryday life the "It;s not my foult, i wasnt fisrt" kind of thinking, and i am so damn sick of it!! I am bulgarian cska! No i am far away from teenager and yes, i think i know bulgarians very well! And yes I think WE are used to look for the guilt evrywhere but not in ourselfs!
Once again i am very sorry for posting totaly inapproprite for football forum subjects and that i am loosing virtual friends(cska), it won't happend again!!

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: bert.kassies
Date: 29-07-2006, 21:50
Thanks for your compliments on this forum. But forum 2 was created upon request of other users because of the lack of functions on this forum. And because I hoped that discussions on non-coef related subjects would move to forum 2. But you all can see that it did not work that way. The majority of users prefer to use this forum. Why? Would forum 2 be better if it had only one group? If so would you move all such discussions to that forum?

One thing is sure, this forum has many more bugs than the phpbb forum2. Why? Because I wrote it myself as an exercise to learn the php programming language

And since it is unique, I suppose it is not very prone to abuse by hackers. But it is not really accomodated to the huge number of contributions. It has no database, but uses simple xml files. But until now there were no real technical problems. The real functional "problem" is that during certain periods coef-related subjects are overwhelmed by other topics.

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: STK
Date: 29-07-2006, 22:01
@bert, couldn't you make few section to this forum? Few links to different pages using same format/forum:

Sec1. Coefficients related subjects
Sec2. Games and predictions
Sec3. Other football subjects

It will be intersting, and no excuses colud be found for off-topics.

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: Serge
Date: 29-07-2006, 22:17
I also think that forum 2 takes more time for using... Maybe forum 2 must also become simplier?... Bert, you are in charge here, so you decide what's better ! This forum is the place where I enjoy the most because:
1) It's really uniqly simple
2) Enjoy speeking with international football fans
3) After a UEFA match, best place on net to discuss

Congratulation, Bert !!!

I hope from now on, many will change on this forum, and if we will attention everybody EQUALLY(so nobody would speak about discrimination) when making non-related threads or ignore them, then we will get to a result!

It's up to us !

And to be on-topic: Levski has 50% chance, and it's up to them whether to progress, must make as less mistakes as possible. The first match to play away may be an advanage, cause in Sofia it will be decided


Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: skivaz
Date: 30-07-2006, 02:00
Edited by: skivaz
at: 30-07-2006, 02:00
coming back to the original question.
i'm italian and i can say that Chievo is the best italian team you can meet, in the sense of the easiest one. For sure it would have been easier with a lower ranked one, but i think Levski has good chances.
Chievo has none European experience, players are too young or too old and i would say they are not hungry for CL, they are already happy to be in Europe and in UEFA.
Moreover the team has not too many good players to go on in 3 competition at the same time, obviously they will try to get into GS, for the money, but be hopeful bulgarians, i think you may make it....

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: LevskiFan
Date: 30-07-2006, 02:50
skivaz, I'm on the same opinion as u are! We have pretty good chances to qualify for the CL, because we have more experience than Chievo! The Italians may not have big stars in their team, but the players have been together for long time and that makes them dangerous! Also lets not forget that they play every year against Milan, Inter, Juve.... while we have only 2 or three real matches in our championship! But besides all that, I believe that with our experience and a lot of good players...we will be the ones to make it to the Champions League

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: BalkanTourist
Date: 30-07-2006, 05:40
LevskiFan, I like your optimism. Let's just not get over excited and talk about our chances after the first leg. A 2:0 win will be perfect for us. If not, then no worries, we can get to UC groups and work on our coeficient. Big tragedies are not needed. I've noticed Levski always gets possible teams to beat in 3rd round, then they get overexcited and blow it.

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: bert.kassies
Date: 30-07-2006, 11:26
To continue the off-topic part of this thread ...

I don't like your proposal for sections on this forum. In my view only the contributions to section 1 are appropriate in this forum. Other topics should move to forum 2, or be discussed somewhere else on the internet.

I'm not sure yet what to do. For now I can foresee the following modifications:
1) Improve forum 2, e.g. by removing the groups and have all topics into one single group.
2) Introduce sticky topics at this forum that will be displayed at the top of the list (e.g. the ones that will ultimately end in the Selected Topics archive).

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: Serge
Date: 30-07-2006, 11:41
I discovered I have the channel Bulgaria TV, as a Russian Language knower, I understood that this channel will show the Super Cup. I want to make an impression about Levski, so can anyone give me info about time of playing of Levski in the near future ?

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: BalkanTourist
Date: 30-07-2006, 11:50
The game starts at 20:00 Bulgarian time which should be GM +3.

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: LevskiFan
Date: 30-07-2006, 12:33 problem man, I'll keep u informed
As Balkan Tourist already said the Super Cup tonight starts 20:00h BG time, which is 19:00CET...or just say in exactly 6 and a half hours Btw u will also be able to follow matches from the Bulgarian championship and from the European Competitions-CL and UEFA CUP...on Bulgaria TV!

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: Serge
Date: 30-07-2006, 13:59
Cool! I am now happy that found this channel! The last request please: give me the site of this channel so I can have the TV program

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: shock
Date: 30-07-2006, 14:10
Here you go!

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: Serge
Date: 30-07-2006, 19:53
Strange thing... Was watching this channel and that TV programm, no football Maybe there is not only one Bulgaria TV...

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: Vesuvio
Date: 31-07-2006, 02:08
I wouldn't understimate Chievo that is much better than Udinese that last season played against Levski withot mant regular players and lost 2-1 going close the qualification.

Chievo were 7th in serie A that is a great result. Every seaso Chievo sell their best players but now refused all the offers for the midfielder Semioli (that were considered by Lippi for World Cup until the definitive choice of 23 players) and the forward Amauri since they want have higher chance to go in Groupe stage of CL. In this case they will hold all the players, but if they will be elimnated will sell Amauri and Semioli.

Chievo have other good players like the striker Pellisier and the mifielder Brighi, but their strenght is in the organization since they have a good player like Pillo that alread made a miracle with Treviso, taking the team in relegation zone in serie B and taking them in Serie A.

If Levski fans are happy to meet Chievo, Chievo too is very happy for the draw since Levski were considered about the weaest teams among seeded teams. Anyway Chievo coach knows that won't be an easy opponent, but suely better than many others hat would be almost undefeatable.

The main problem of Chievo is that they have lack of prepaation since they haven't official matches and Serie A will start only after the two matches with Levski.

For Chievo nad their players these will be the matches of their life and I think that have chance to qualify even if Levsky is a little favourite.

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: AS
Date: 31-07-2006, 08:32
My dear @LevskiFan and others,
Just to answer to your original question {{ just want to see what u guys think about this game >>.
Well. First of all, the most important thing is that I hope for a good match where the best wins. Anyway I don’t think that Levski will have many chances to win (don’t be angry with me it’s only a prediction!). I think that Italian soccer is too ahead than Bulgarian, so the Italian team will go on (after the two matches).

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: panda
Date: 31-07-2006, 10:59

re: forum format

Most comments on forum 1 v forum 2 seem to be (mine certainly is) forum 1 is much quicker and easier to follow. But your comment is that there were complaints about forum 1 having too few functions.

So my original thought, forum 2 should be in forum 1 bert-language won't work. But suppose you had a new forum 2 in forum 1 language? existing forum 2 could remain for whatever those functions are (private messages?) a lot of the functions, like being able to sort a member list, seem quite cosmetic Or too complicated? Maybe forum 2 can just be simplified somehow (for example, for me, the top benefit of forum 1 is that you can see at a quick glance, on one screen, how many topics are updated since last visit)

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: bert.kassies
Date: 31-07-2006, 11:39
Forum 2 has already been simplied. From 8 different categories back to just 3 categories: General discussions, European Club football, and National Teams.

There is a poll in "General discussions" to further simplify the structure, but until now 8 against 1 voted "No".

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Date: 31-07-2006, 20:10
Edited by:
at: 31-07-2006, 20:24
Dear AS, as fan of Levski, I think that Chievo have the better chances.

Italian football is too ahead, if we compare our team with Milan, but not with Chievo. I watch Seria A from about 20 years, and I think that we have three teams who can play well there.

Levski, CSKA and Litex wont be champions of course, but I think they have all the skills for "7-12" place area.

I know that Chievo want to get Indzaghi and Vieri, because they want to sell they best players like Amauri. If they really want to sell on a good price (logic say in team who play in eurocups) that make this player out of the game with Levski.

Of course, once again..Chievo have the more chances, and they are host in the second game.

If you want to continue this thread, lets do that in forum N2.

Thanx, Alex


uups..and btw, we have to eliminate Sioni Bolnisi first...and that will not happen so easy, they are well organised and technical team... hope GOD will help us.

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: luksus
Date: 02-08-2006, 12:24
Levski 35 % - Chievo 65 %

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: antonio62tr
Date: 03-08-2006, 11:39
Italian teams are different than others...they dont let any suprises...I think Levski cant score any to Chievo both game...Sorry for Bulgarians...

Chievo 90%-Levski10%

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: gpm
Date: 08-08-2006, 01:39
he he you are crazy levski will beat Chievo that is easy to predict every know how Chievo come in the CL

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: midstar
Date: 09-08-2006, 22:51
Levski - Chievo 2-0 a normal result. I predict for second leg something like 1-1 Levski was better than Chievo, she deserve to be in GS near Steaua Bucharest, Dinamo Kiev, CSKA and Shaktar.

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: AS
Date: 10-08-2006, 11:40
Congratulation to Levsky. Now, it has to repeat itself on 2nd leg! I didn’t suppose this score.

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: gabriel1
Date: 10-08-2006, 12:16
bravo Levski...I hope we will meet in CL groupe...

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: LevskiFan
Date: 10-08-2006, 14:40
Thanks AS and gabriel! I'm still overexcited from last night! I can't believe that all Levski fans' dream is finally coming true! Lets save the best celebrations for two weeks though, when if everything is fine we will enter the Champions League

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Date: 10-08-2006, 22:04
Edited by:
at: 10-08-2006, 22:25
AS: Real Gentleman post ! But you are right. And Italy must be proud and will be proud with Chievo.

We have a big luck last night, and Chievo was unlucky.

Chievo offence is very good, middle line stay near offence. Very good defence, usual for italian club and stable goal keeper + great coach !
At last but not least, very good one on one play. Without any mistake ! I've see alot of teams, playing in our home ground, and Chievo was the best from them.

I am not sure in our chances. We must atack in Verona. If we play "katenacho" style, Chievo can beat us with 6-7 goals.

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: LevskiFan
Date: 11-08-2006, 01:29
For those who are interested here's a video with highlights from the match....

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: blueultras
Date: 11-08-2006, 01:39
Edited by: blueultras
at: 11-08-2006, 01:42
Hi guys i am new here.I realy think that LEVSKI have good chances against chievo and 2-0 is good competition result.I belive in LEVSKI like all bulgarian fans.let dreams come true SAMO LEVSKI

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: redandwhite
Date: 17-08-2006, 14:25
LEVSKI, DINAMO is back again (Beitar - DINAMO 0-2 on Asparuhov Stadium). I hope you will beat steauA in CL, and you will win the championship again these year against cskA. Forza DINAMO, forza LEVSKI !!!!!

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: dinamo_fan_4_ever
Date: 17-08-2006, 16:22
indeed , lets hope dinamo wins because levski i am sure will qualify

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: LevskiFan
Date: 17-08-2006, 16:39
Edited by: LevskiFan
at: 17-08-2006, 16:40
Thanks guys I also heard about Beitar hosting their match against Dinamo on our home stadium Georgi this certain though? Anyway...if they play here I would defenetly go to the stadium, as it is 5 minutes away from my house BY WALKING It would be an exciting match for sure....and I suppose Dinamo will win like they did in the first leg! I wish Dinamo luck in Uefa and promise that if we meet Steaua in the Champions League we'll beat them

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: BalkanTourist
Date: 17-08-2006, 16:46
I wouldn't promise such things, Steaua is a very good team and they are hungry just like us, so they won't underestimate Levski and will beat them properly.

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: LevskiFan
Date: 17-08-2006, 17:05
Ummm...Balkan....I was kidding.....of course I can't say that we will beat Steaua for sure.........they are a tough team....but not better than Levski! It would be greeat to see the two CL surprises in one group...not to mention our friendly neighbouring rivalry and the great atmosphere those matches would have But these are still only wishes.....since none of our teams has made it through to the CL yet.....lets wait until the 23rd to see which teams made it and 25th for the draw

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: doctor
Date: 17-08-2006, 18:43
@antonio & lukusus
You may reconsider reconsider the chanses in favor of levsky.
Antonio my sugestion to you don`t gamble!

Bvo levsky

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Date: 17-08-2006, 19:25
Chievo is fit to atack 90 mins. It will be HELL in Verona, but we must atack too if we want to have some chances.

There are few speculations about Chievo selling their best player after the game, but if that not happen, Chievo will go really Champions League or UEFA Cup.

My bet.

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: badgerboy
Date: 17-08-2006, 21:49
Edited by: badgerboy
at: 17-08-2006, 21:55
Completely off topic - sorry - but Doctor did your "betting thread" the other day get removed?

I've no objection at all if it was - Bert's quite entitled to set some limits on the forum content and you were stretching it but I had to bring it up - just wondered if you took my advice on Grays at 7/4? I'm impressed with my 100% success rate

On topic - although Levski have to be slight favourites with a 2-0 lead I still think they'll need an away goal to progress. If they get it early - easy passage. If not, I predict extra time and a lot of nailbiting.

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: panda
Date: 17-08-2006, 22:02
Yeah, I wondered about that. I think betting counts as commercial....although a forum syndicate is an idea! We would have to operate somewhere else though.

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: Lupta_Steaua
Date: 18-08-2006, 04:22
I am really sorry for all of you who will not understand this following mathces, but since I cannot contact this individual personally, I will write something to him through this site (sorry Bert).

Ma, tu, caine rosu (poate si alb), eu sant din Basarabia, si sincer sustin Steaua. La fel de sincer sustin Zimbru, dar in momentul in care un Sheriff (care e echipa sponzorizata din bani, a caror provinienta este necunoscuta, si respectiv castiga un campionat dupa altul), am sa tin tot cu ei. (Asta cu excepti faptului in care ar juca cu vreo echipa romaneasca, nu doar Steaua). Inteleg, ca Dinamo nu a reusit sa se afirme ca celelalte doua echipe anul trecut, dar aveti toata sansa sa faceti asta acum. De ce ti-ai dori sa piarda o echipa romaneasca? Succes pentru Dinamo, Rapid, Zimbru, si in deosebi pentru Steaua!

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: LevskiFan
Date: 18-08-2006, 04:47
Edited by: LevskiFan
at: 18-08-2006, 04:48
Lupta_Syeaua....what does that have to do with the topic or anything realated to it??? Why did u decide to put this here anyways??? Please next time u want to say something of ur own....don't use this topic as a thrash can! If u want to say something about the match fine...but something that is totally out of place and ESPECIALLY IN ROMANIAN NO

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: redandwhite
Date: 18-08-2006, 09:16
lupata_steaua did you no that dinamo, steaua and rapid have to pay restant taxes to romanian state (so what???). did you know the diference bitween rapid&dinamo and steaua? Steaua will never pay because they have a decision court for this. did you now how much they have to pay? 11 MILIONS EURO !!!!! (by the way Ferensvaros is not more in 1st division in Hungary). Who will pay these??? I'll pay and all romanian people (dinamo_fans, rapid_fans, steaua_fans etc.). Why these are happen in my country?? Because Dinamo, Steaua and Rapid live in "STEAUA'S COUNTRY" not in ROMANIA. That's why I don't ever suport steaua. (this was an exemple, ask me more and I'l write more - Bancorex loan of steaua - 10 milions $ - never paid - bancorex dosen't exist anymore)Forza Dinamo, Forza Levski !!!!

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: Serge
Date: 18-08-2006, 10:50
LevskiFan, don't worry, Lupta_Steaua didn't write anything bad, he just told all Dinamo fans that they must support Steaua. For me it isn't a problem, let them suffer at Steaua success :D Success Dinamo btw, oh and success Levski in Italy, we need to make Balkans stronger and stronger!

Btw, I've heard that Bulgarian press started the psychological war in EURO2008 :D, writing big crap about Mutu, it's a pity... I would like Bulgarians perform well and that Romania and Bulgaria would suport eachother to proceed together and not write all shit about eachother...

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: Ricardo
Date: 18-08-2006, 11:51
Well, As a Dutch I ofcourse have a problem with Bulgaria and Romania both qualifying for EC 2008...

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: executor
Date: 18-08-2006, 12:11

I like you, so don't get me wrong. Just that sometimes you can be too naive.

About Romania-Bulgaria: what did you expect? Headlines in the BG media saying: "Mutu is better than Stoichkov" or "We'll be thrashed by this magnificent team of Romania" ?? C'mon!! There's too much rivalry between us to believe this kind of war will not take place. But don't be disappointed. I mean, what harm can that do? Just as Mutu said: "It can't be worse than what you (RO media) wrote about me". And he's right.

About Steaua: last May, when they played Boro, I was truly glad to see them leading 3-0 on agg. and truly sad to see that ending. Eversince I started to pay attention to matches in Eurocups (around 1996) I ALWAYS supported the RO team in such games regardless of who they were. So, even if Steaua eliminated Rapid, I still couldn't support the foreign team.
In the mean time, those two clowns that run that circus managed to destroy every bit of simpathy I had for that team. And when I was watching the game with Standard I just realize that, for the first time in 10 years, I didn't have any power to enjoy goals scored by a RO team in Eurogames!! That's what those two have accomplished. If Steaua makes it to the groups I wish the Pot A team will spank them with 5 or 6-0, in order to reduce the dimensions of their mouths. Otherwise there will be nothing left to hear on TV or read in the papers but the stupid laughs and attitudes of that nightmare-duo.

I hope that now you see why there are different views about this topic. Trust me, if those two would've behave like normal people I wouldn't have had any troubles wishing Steaua GL. But now it's impossible.

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: Serge
Date: 18-08-2006, 12:29
executor, I don't think this is normal what the press writes ! Is it normal to write about Mutu, instead writing his name, writing "the former dependent on grugs". This is insulting. Tell me, what country adressed with such lines against Romanian team? It happenned to be Bulgaria, Romania's neighbour ! Don't say this is normal, all press from all countries, as I remember, always where diplomatic and kept fair-play. I am not naive, I just think this is not NORMAL, and worse part is there is someone that start thinking at this scandals and press shit as a normality... What a pity ...

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: redandwhite
Date: 18-08-2006, 13:06
in romania all suporters are so optimistic. in generally they say this group is so easy for us(Holland is the problem, but Bulgaria is not so strong like Czech Rep.) I'm not so sure it will be so easy and I have 3 reasons:in Qgroup WC2006 Holland beat us twice, Slovenia had eliminated Romania in play-off of WC2002, and Bulgaria beat us 1-0 at EURO2000.

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: executor
Date: 18-08-2006, 13:38

Actually it was EURO1996. And yes, this is one of the toughest possible groups. I too have some doubts about qualifying.


I believe in assuming one's responsibility. That is, if you take drugs expect special treatment from the press. Before every encounter of this kind (when there is a lot of hubris) each side tries to portray the other one in the worst possible way. The only way to avoid seeing that kind of stuff in the other media is to not do those things in the first place.

It's not an insult if those are facts. I mean he is a "former drug addict". who can deny that? And don't think that this is because we are in the Balkans. Try to read the headlines of western press when there are clashes like: England-Argentina, Germany-France, Germany-Italy etc. We are still "little children" compared to that.

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: LevskiFan
Date: 18-08-2006, 14:45
Edited by: LevskiFan
at: 18-08-2006, 14:45
Guys I'm sorry but could u get back to topic! This is not the place to discuss our NT yet...and especially discuss romanian clubs
Please get back to topic!
@Serge....I don't care what lupta_steaua wrote....nobody understands what it was and is totally innappropriate for this topic!!!

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: Lupta_Steaua
Date: 18-08-2006, 14:49
Sorry LevskiFan,

I forgot to add the following to my previous message:

Good luck to Levski against Chievo!

Does this make it "on topic" now?

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: cska
Date: 18-08-2006, 14:52
Hi all there,
@our Romanian friends
Serge, I know you are very dimplomatic and fair person. However, the press can't afford to be moderate and diplomatic, because they earn their profits from publishing sensations and provocations.
So, don't be surprised of the articles in Bulgarian newspapers. They do not mean that Bulgarians are hostile to Romanians. We are not. However, when the match RO-BG starts, you can't expect the home crowd to be greeting their visitors
Anyway, let's hope that we'll have a nice match on Sept 2nd and let the better wins (well, a draw is also good for us)...
@all, who posted according to the topic title
Finally, back to the topic itself. I wish that Levski score one goal in Italy and concede no more than three... (so, they'll be in CL GS). Then, we will be able to see what Levski can do in GS and I am sure that after GS the "dimensions of mouths of Levski fans will decrease" (Executor, nice expression, really).

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: BalkanTourist
Date: 18-08-2006, 17:12
I will be the first one to congratulate Romanian fans when they win against Bulgaria.
I never read anything negative in Bulgarian press regarding Romania. The only thing I read that was controversial is that Mutu said he didn't speak with Bulgarians. Pretty snobby, don't you think?

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: gluer
Date: 18-08-2006, 18:18
My prediction: Chievo-Levski 1-1 or 2-1
Levski will qualify!

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: KoZ
Date: 18-08-2006, 22:41
Edited by: KoZ
at: 18-08-2006, 22:42
Bild newspaper(the biggest newspaper in Germany) refering to Klinsmann just before the WC starts - "What are you loughing at IDIOT?"

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: Tano
Date: 18-08-2006, 22:56
Levski fans, I am inviting you to start building the page of Levski in UEFA Wiki

Also a contribution to the other Bulgarian clubs is needed.

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: ignjat63
Date: 20-08-2006, 12:19
A question for Bulgarian friends.

I saw on UefaWiki info about Botev. I had an idea that Botev used to be Trakia but changed the name. Or there was a merger. What's the story?

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: cska
Date: 20-08-2006, 13:48
Actually, you are right. But Hristo Botev is a Bulgarian national hero and many clubs are called Botev. If you refer to Botev from Plovdiv, then that's it - during tnhe time of communism it was called Trakia (literally meaning Thrace) Plovdiv in order to forget the pre-communism club which was considered tsarist and "not suitable" for the socialist society. After democracy was restored, the club got back its original name. There were no mergers related with it.
It is one of the most successful non_sofia team both domestically and in Europe.

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: ignjat63
Date: 20-08-2006, 14:04
It is interesting, the relation of communists to pre WW2 clubs. In 1945 they dissolved the clubs who played during the war (as colaborationists). But in fact Red Star is the continuation of pre war Jugoslavija and OFK Beograd is the continuation of pre war BSK (Dinamo Zagreb is the continuation of pre war HSK Gradjanski).

Now that the communists are no more, OFK and Dinamo are insisting upon that continuation but Zvezda is insisting on DIScontinuation. I do not know why. But Zvezda got Jugoslavija's players, stadium, buildings and as far as I know even the colours.

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: badgerboy
Date: 20-08-2006, 14:25
Edited by: badgerboy
at: 20-08-2006, 15:35

Some trawling through information on and wikipedia would indicate that Trakia Plovdiv were created in 1967 as a merger of ASK Botev Plovdiv, DFS Spartak Plovdiv and SSK Akademik Plovdiv. The first two named clubs both playing at the first level at the time.

Spartak Plovdiv reclaimed their independence in 1982 - as FK Spartak Plovdiv with Trakia becoming Botev again in 1989.

There doesn't seem to be much of a consensus as to whether Trakia are treated: (a) as a completely separate club to Botev (Clas Glenning does so here ); (b) as a new club from 1967 which has continued with name changes until the present day as shown here or as one continuous club, as indicated here

I await with interest the views of any Bulgarians on the forum.

Edit - I see I missed a couple of posts prior to mine. Well - CSKA's explanation seems clearer, but there seems little doubt to me that there was a merger at some stage between Botev and Spartak.

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: ignjat63
Date: 20-08-2006, 15:34
Edited by: ignjat63
at: 20-08-2006, 15:36
Thanks, badger

Anyway, the first thing I did football wise is to make an Eurocups all time ranking. There I met the problem of clubs changing names, mergers, what Austrians call spielgemeineschafts etc.

However, on santiclaus's site

it says that the club was called Botev untill 1968, then changed name to Trakia and in 1989 became Botev again (from Plovdiv).

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: badgerboy
Date: 20-08-2006, 17:13

Yes, before being "distracted" by the arrival of UEFAWiki I'd started an exercise whereby I was listing all the clubs to have played at the top level of the various domestic leagues. I'm progressing fairly slowly - only England, Spain, Italy & France completed so far.

I found it almost impossible to come up with a "definitive" answer in most instances of name changes or mergers. I think the best any individual can do is try to be as consistent as possible in their approach - though I think 100% consistency is impossible!

There's a lengthy (and interesting - at least to me) conversation on the other forum between Lyonnais and myself about various French clubs.

Personally, I tend to take the view that any "new" club from the same town or city is the same club even when that's not "technically" correct - unless I have information that the "new" club already existed prior to the demise of the old. So, although I know that technically Toulouse FC are a brand new club (formed as US Toulouse in 1970 after the original club disappeared into a merger with Red Star Paris in 1967) I'd tend to credit the club as one single entity. On the other hand AS Nancy-Lorraine already existed somewhere in the lower leagues prior to the collapse of FC Nancy in the mid-60s, so although it took on the mantle of the main club of the region it has to be a brand new club.

The obvious English example is Accrington Stanley. Technically actually three different clubs but undoubtably at least two even using my "generous" interpretation. The original club - Accrington - were founder members of the Football League in 1888 but collapsed in 1896. Many fans in England class this as the same club that just got promoted back to the Football League after 44 years away. But the second Accrington Stanley were actually formed, as Stanley Villa, in 1891 - 5 years before the demise of the first club. The second club actually went bankrupt in 1962 while the third (and final to date) club being created in 1968. I'm happy to count the second and third clubs as one & the same entity though.

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: ignjat63
Date: 20-08-2006, 17:35
It seems that there are no definite rules so your generous interpretation is just as good. You might know that couple of years ago Olimpija Ljubljana was in grave financial difficulties. At one point the club was dissolved (I think is the word) because it went bancrupt. But the new club was formed called Bežigrad from the same players, stadium, buildings, and team colours. So couple of months ago I asked on Olimpija's forum (Bežigrad uses their site too) is Bežigrad a new club or not. The answer I got is "legally yes, but it is still Olimpija in the hearts of the fans". So appearently there is an initiative that Bežigrad changes its name to Olimpija and to be accepted into Sport society Olimpija (all the clubs in various sports with that name in Ljubljana originated from the same sport society). Everybody is looking forward to that.

So is Bežigrad a new club and is Olimpija still existing? Both yes and no, depending how you look at it.

Same with Red Star. To me it is a continuation of FK Jugoslavija ESSENTIALLY, even though not legally. But that is just my oppinion and I am both right and wrong!

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: Todor
Date: 20-08-2006, 18:03
Edited by: Todor
at: 20-08-2006, 18:04

About Botev Plovdiv. Botev is the official successor of Trakia. Spartak is an independant club , which was re-establish in the '80s as a successor of the original club that existed prior to 1969, taking all its results up to that year.
All the results of Trakia between in the period 69-89 are awarded to Botev.

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: KoZ
Date: 21-08-2006, 18:53
Edited by: KoZ
at: 21-08-2006, 18:54
{-- Botev fan!!
Todor is right!

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Date: 21-08-2006, 23:25
But in wrong hands They was relegated few times

Plovdiv is good football center. They have alot of football talents and incredible football fans, but management is bad in the last 10-12 years and results was...not very good.

Loko Pd win the title few years ago, but after their president death, they are not good too.

Hoping for the next years. With good management, Plovdiv is capable to produce two relative strong teams like Litex.

Re: LEVSKI - Chievo CL QR3
Author: AS
Date: 24-08-2006, 08:28
Congratulation to Levski!
I watched the match on TV: it was a match to much conditioned by 1st leg score (I didn’t watch 1st leg match). Chievo didn’t do the kind of match it should. Levski’s players run speeder than Chievo’s players especially when Levski go head. So I think that the best team qualified even if it was completely out from my prediction. Maybe Chievo is back with training because the Italian championship have still not start.
I don’t think that Levski can win the cup, after the draw I’ll say my prediction to go head from group stage: anyway it already is a very good result for Bulgarian soccer.