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Coefficients of bottom 2 teams in each country.
Author: badgerboy
Date: 23-04-2006, 19:02
Spain 3 31.750 (7-8-8-8-7)
Italy 3 26.500 (7-7-8-7-7)
Romania 3 22.750 (4-3-3-3-3)
France 3 20.000 (8-6-7-7-8)
England 3 19.000 (7-9-8-7-7)
Germany 3 17.250 (7-7-7-7-8)
Belgium 3 15.250 (4-4-4-4-4)
Portugal 3 15.000 (4-4-4-6-6)
Bulgaria 3 15.000 (3-3-3-4-4)
Greece 3 14.500 (4-6-6-6-6)
Czech Rep. 3 12.750 (6-5-4-4-4)
Scotland 3 12.000 (4-4-4-4-4)
Serbia-M. 3 12.000 (3-3-3-4-4)
Russia 3 11.250 (6-4-4-4-4)
Netherlands 3 11.000 (6-6-6-6-6)
Switzerland 3 11.000 (4-4-4-4-4)
Ukraine 3 10.500 (4-4-4-5-4)
Israel 3 9.750 (3-3-4-4-4)
Hungary 3 9.500 (3-3-3-3-3)
Sweden 3 9.500 (3-4-3-4-3)
Norway 3 9.250 (4-5-4-4-5)
Croatia 3 9.000 (4-4-4-3-3)
Denmark 3 8.750 (4-4-5-3-4)
Austria 3 8.500 (4-4-4-4-4)
Poland 3 7.750 (4-4-4-4-4)
Turkey 3 7.500 (4-6-6-4-4)
Slovenia 3 7.250 (3-3-3-3-3)
Cyprus 3 6.750 (3-3-3-3-3)
Slovakia 3 6.500 (4-3-3-3-3)
Bosnia 3 5.500 (3-3-3-3-3)
Latvia 3 5.500 (3-3-3-3-3)
Finland 3 4.250 (4-3-3-3-3)

The figures after the coefficient indicate the total number of teams participating from each country in each of the past three seasons.

The list primarily confirms my assumption that - to whatever extent that anyone can consider the weakest teams of the top countries to be carried by their big teams this is equally true (in fact more true) for the other countries.

The other noticeable stat. was the generally weak contribution of cup losing finalists. Hopefully this rule will change soon.

Re: Coefficients of bottom 2 teams in each country.
Author: doctor
Date: 23-04-2006, 20:30
not relevant...the teams from Spain England and Italy are seede even if they don`t play in UC or CL i explained on the other topic

Re: Coefficients of bottom 2 teams in each country.
Author: dawgs
Date: 24-04-2006, 13:08
Edited by: dawgs
at: 24-04-2006, 13:49
Even if you disregard the top3 and you compare countries in similar situation (i.e. Por-Ned-Gre, or Bul-Srb-Isr) you can notice how much a good (or bad) year by a couple of teams can offset the general failiure (or success) of the other teams and confuse the outsider as to the real competitiveness of the associations' representatives.