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did any 1 see what happened in marseille ????
Author: dinamo_fan_4_ever
Date: 15-12-2005, 11:52
i dont want to be rude but what happened in marseille was the uglyest thing i saw in football, dinamo scored a late goal in 94'00 minute with 4 extra minutes given by the referee but the referee turned his face to the center of the pitch in blew the wistle just the same time out striker hit the ball , there were a lot of tv shows and it seemed like he blew the wistle twice as referees do at the end of the geme , the secont wistle found the ball in OM gate (and barthez beeing verry surprised) so at 94 '01 there was a goal and surely there wasa a injury in the extra minutes that stopedthe game more than a minute.
i just dont think this is wright and i dont wish any fan to hope till the last minute that his favorite teams scores and qualifies and when the mireacle happends its just frowed away by the referee ..

can any1 tell me the exact minute marseiile scored here 2nd goal because it was surely after the extra minute(1) at the end of the first half, also there was a very late goal in sofia and in the qualifiers of the european championship romania lost with a 2-2 goal scored in copenhage by gronkjear much after the extra time minutes ended, so i i just dont think its wright, danmark scores late and qualifies , romania stays home , OM scores late and its OK , dinamo scores late and the gole isnt validated, and dinamo doesn qualify
i think uefa should do something about this so that the next team that does the same thing can qalify and meke her fans get out on the streets and party.......

Re: did any 1 see what happened in marseille ????
Author: delustef
Date: 15-12-2005, 12:06
Marseille scored 1 minute and 29 seconds after the ordinary time in the first half! That is 29 seconds added as an extra, extra time in the first half!!!!!
I was devastated after the match, this is not acceptable! The referee was totally unaware of what happened on the pitch in the final moments of the game!
The final result is 2-2 and Dinamo is qualified! I can?t accept anything else!
I hope Dinamo officials will make an appeal to UEFA but I don?t know what can be changed now.
Forza Dinamo!

Re: did any 1 see what happened in marseille ????
Author: putzeijs
Date: 15-12-2005, 12:41
I didn't see the match, buth I guess Refferree is always right?

It reminds me of last weeks Champ League match between Brugge - Bayern. In that game too, there was a goal just seconds after the refferee made his final whistle. It could have been 1-2 instead of 1-1). Not any difference in who was qualified, buth still a lot of money for the clubs and players + an important ranking point for Belgium.

Re: did any 1 see what happened in marseille ????
Author: spoonman
Date: 15-12-2005, 13:26
I don't want to spawn a conspiracy theory but it was a French referee that deprived Bayern of the winning goal...

Re: did any 1 see what happened in marseille ????
Author: Lyonnais
Date: 15-12-2005, 14:18
And ?

Re: did any 1 see what happened in marseille ????
Author: spoonman
Date: 15-12-2005, 14:23
No "and". Last week there was a French referee involved, this week it's a French club. It's probably pure coincidence but I just wanted to put it down for the record.

Re: did any 1 see what happened in marseille ????
Author: Lyonnais
Date: 15-12-2005, 14:58
This kind of contreversy is very annoying for the fans and I fully understand the anger of Dinamo fans.

This said, and I'm not a Marseille fan, Marseille has nothing to do with this. 2-1 or 2-2 for them is the same, they would have won the group anyway.

As far as the Brugge-Bayern game is concerned, I am certainly ready to admit that there is some few things to say about French referees, but on the other side I don't believe that it had any effect on the final table of the group too (and I don't really what kind of benefits French clubs would have had).

So, I would say that this is a pure coincidence.

Re: did any 1 see what happened in marseille ????
Author: brugesboy
Date: 15-12-2005, 15:07
I'm club brugge-supporter and was in the stadium at the match against bayern and i have to admit, very strange situation. Really the whole stadium was thinking: Oh my god, we just gave it away in the 94+ minute (stupid pass backwards to the keeper and intercepted). But on TV you can see the referee blow the first time out of three when pass is given. Even the players had to go ask the referee what the final score now was. Very weird!

Re: did any 1 see what happened in marseille ????
Author: Malko
Date: 15-12-2005, 17:18
Just about the regulation...

and a little history.

I once was at a Metz-Saint-Etienne game when the referee whistled the end of the game: Three times whistling ang showing in direction of the cabins....OVER!1-0 for Metz

No! Saint-Etienne players were around a linesman, the referee wenrt there....and pointed out to the penalty-point. Penalty for a handplay, penalty and goal!.1-1
I always thjought a match was over when the referee blowed its's definately NOT, cause all protestes had no consequences.......

One can say: A penalty must been shot, even when time is over....yes, but a GIVEN penalty before the match is over. This was not the case here in metz......

So: the game is just over when the referee decides it's over...the whistle ist just for fun, I suppose.......

Re: did any 1 see what happened in marseille ????
Author: dinamo_fan_4_ever
Date: 15-12-2005, 17:23

Re: did any 1 see what happened in marseille ????
Author: exile
Date: 15-12-2005, 18:08
The match finishes when the referee blows the whistle. End of story.
Remember Brazil-Sweden 1978? 1-1. Brazil have a corner. The ball is crossed into the penalty area and Brazil score - but the ref blew his whistle while the ball was still in the air - NO GOAL!

Maybe the rule should be changed. In rugby the ref can only blow the whistle when the ball is dead. But - until the laws are changed, we will continue to get these situations.

(only exception - when a penalty has been awarded. Referee must allow the kick to be taken - but if the ball rebounds from the keeper - he can again blow his whistle)

Thinking about a marseille fan
Author: guitou_sid
Date: 15-12-2005, 23:07
Edited by: guitou_sid
at: 15-12-2005, 23:10
i dont know if with 2-2 dinamo was eliminated ...

I watched the game and i think the referee made a mistake ...

Why did he blow??

Re: did any 1 see what happened in marseille ????
Author: Lyonnais
Date: 16-12-2005, 00:01
Exile > i remember this one for the WC78 but I had the feeling that it was Brazil - Spain instead (goal of the Spaniards).
I might be totally wrong as i was very young at that time (and very old now !).

Re: did any 1 see what happened in marseille ????
Author: Krys
Date: 16-12-2005, 00:18
2-2 was enough for Dynamo.

Re: did any 1 see what happened in marseille ????
Author: asgar
Date: 16-12-2005, 00:23
If you say the ref wistle when the stiker hit the ball than it's eassy one wistle game stops like when normal play if you score and wistle has gone it's never a goal happens alot when ref should have given advantage .Second wistle end game so ref was correct in his decision. Also extra time does not have to be played out exactly it can be stretched or shortened by the ref . I can understand the frustration , but it was not a mistake .

Re: did any 1 see what happened in marseille ????
Author: maymunata
Date: 16-12-2005, 02:38
in season 2003/2004 just before the winter pause there was the reverse situation in the game Sileks - Pobeda in macedonian elite. the result was 1:1 for pobeda (everyone knew that they will become champion for the first time in their history). in the 94-th minute there was a corner for pobeda. as the ball flew over the box the ref blew his whistle, sileks players stopped playing and one pobeda man scored a goal. the goal was confirmed and pobeda won. it was a big scandal.

Re: did any 1 see what happened in marseille ????
Author: Peter_nyc
Date: 16-12-2005, 04:01
Edited by: Peter_nyc
at: 16-12-2005, 04:07
So here its a question for you all, what UEFA regulation says : when the game is over ? when the referee blew his wistle first or last time ? Because if the game its over when the referee blow first time his wistle , then the referee was right and he didnt make any mistake not validating the gool.
But if the regulation says that the game its over at last wistle of the referee, then he made a big, big mistake, because the ball was inside the net and he didnt see it or he didnt care.
Anyway i want to say , romanian fans and Dinamo players are accepting this decision of the referee,no matter if its fair or not, thats the game, Dinamo did a excelent season in europe, they beat Everton and CSKA Moskva and because of that almost sure they'll be seeded in round 1 uefa cup, and I hoppe we come back next year to perform better.

Re: did any 1 see what happened in marseille ????
Author: Ricardo
Date: 16-12-2005, 09:40
Sorry to say this, but on current listings Dinamo is not seeded in round 1 of the UC next year. Ofcourse a lot can still happen in the leagues in the coming half year. And ofcourse some teams will fail to qualify from the qualification rounds.
On my list they are number 46, so they are close, but.....

I have seen the flashes from the game on Eurosport. First of all if the refereee did not blew it would have been a goal. The defender did not stop playing and Bathez was too far from his goal to be able to stop the ball. A beatiful goal it would have been!
Second referee decides when to end, independend on how many minutes he first says to play extra.
Third the referee should watch the game until the end, so he should see what's happening at the time he blows the whistle(he apparently did not)
Fourth: The French extra time goal in the first halve cam out of a corner awarded in regular time. It took almost a minute to take the corner, that's why the goal fell later than previously given time.

Re: did any 1 see what happened in marseille ????
Author: Ricardo
Date: 16-12-2005, 09:48
Does anybody know where I can find this last not-goal somewhere on the internet? Some Dutch colleagues/Heerenveen supporters don't believe how lucky they were.

Re: did any 1 see what happened in marseille ????
Author: botev
Date: 16-12-2005, 10:14
I think the referee did just the correct thing. As we all saw at the last minute the french defender passed the ball in a way it was sure that the romanian player will get it. After that Barthez even didn't make an effort to save the shot and that made it clear Olympic don't mind the draw. If this match ended 2-2 it wouldn't be fair for Heerenveen and for the game at all. Dinamo lost to Levski, beat CSKA and made only a draw at home against Heerenveen, so that's why I think that team deserved its place in the group. On the other hand I am very surprised by the very strong teams of Steaua and Rapid who not only qualified but finished first in their groups. If Dinamo played like them they wouldn't wait a favour from Olympic in the end of their game.

Re: did any 1 see what happened in marseille ????
Author: asgar
Date: 16-12-2005, 13:31
@Peter_nyc , it does not mather when the game is over at first or second wishel .
At the first one the play stops , just as when there is a tackel or something else .The second one end s the game .But afther a whistle ther is no more play . If the ref turns his back what they always do cause they whisel to wards the long side of the court for the camera's and 4th official , the game is over .Marseile saw the ref stop cause they were facing him .

Re: did any 1 see what happened in marseille ????
Author: executor
Date: 16-12-2005, 14:56
@ Ricardo:

You wanted to see the non-goal, here it is:
Scroll down untill you see :Video GSP / Gol anulat Octavian Chihaia.

Re: did any 1 see what happened in marseille ????
Author: EdwardT
Date: 16-12-2005, 15:07
i want to see if this would ever happen with a team from germany, england, france spain italy, in a game that actually mattered. Hereeven deserved nothing. Levski played against marseille's second team.

I'm saying this even though I'm a Steaua fan and I hate dinamo. I'm tired of seeing the teams from Eastern Europe being descriminated against.

Re: did any 1 see what happened in marseille ????
Author: jmf
Date: 16-12-2005, 15:30
Edited by: jmf
at: 16-12-2005, 15:32
To EdwartT : You're absolutly right. This is a shame even if Brugge had almost similar situation against...Bayern. But it was different : the match was ended before Vermant lose the at least 3/4 sec. before the goal. In Marseille, it was a shame and you're probably right to say easteners are stolen by referees against top 5 clubs. But you're not alone : as Belgian I could notice a long list of incredible decisions against our teams (clubs or national team) since the final lost by Standard in EC II against Barcelona Barcelona (2 irregular goals for the Spaniards and a clear penalty forgotten by the referre for Standard) ,to this Belgium-Brasil in Japan 2002 and this goal from Wilmots annihilated ...who knows why by the referee. Anderlecht has been stolen last year in Munich and in Lyon (2 fairy tales penalties) and so on... This is big business man : the richest clubs have the best players, are protected during the draws and helped, if necessary by the referres. That's life. The video is the only way to get out of this. And you can understand why the UEFA is so reluctant to this use.

Re: did any 1 see what happened in marseille ????
Author: asgar
Date: 16-12-2005, 16:46
dinamo_fan_4_ever says it himself ,shot was on the whistle so simply it does not count cause play stops at a whistle .
I don't say it's fair ,but the decission is correct , that the ref has no feeling for the game and should be lowerd in rank for ref thats clear .
But who deseves it the most is hard to say , Heerenveen played 0-0 away so at home they probably would have won they are far better at home than away . Also Heerenveen got a penalty against them in last minutes against marseleile so that was alos pretty sad for them it should have been 0-0 , what would have chnaged the results alot cause meirseile 4 points less would have resluted in Heerenveen and dinamo to next round .I agree small clubs (not the big competisions ) are always less fortunate with the REF 's decisions .But this time it would have changed nothing for marseile and they sure did not do it for Heerenveen.

Re: did any 1 see what happened in marseille ????
Author: Malko
Date: 16-12-2005, 17:22
The Whistle IS NOT OFFICIAL !!!!!!!!!
The game is over when the referee decides it's over.....the whistle ist just accompagniing it.
In case where a referee loses (!!!) his whistle, he can put an end on the game before getting a new whistle!
Its clear!

Re: did any 1 see what happened in marseille ????
Author: Cristiano
Date: 17-12-2005, 16:59
the movie with the goal scored by OM after the 1 minute extra time in the first goal and the dinamo non-goal

Re: did any 1 see what happened in marseille ????
Author: dinamozagreb
Date: 18-12-2005, 00:07
You remember CL game in München when Claudio Lopez scored for Valencia and the ref blew his whistle few seconds before he scored?

Re: did any 1 see what happened in marseille ????
Author: Peter_nyc
Date: 18-12-2005, 07:11
Edited by: Peter_nyc
at: 18-12-2005, 07:12
@ Ricardo- I'am visiting once in a while your site with seeded teams from next year, its very nice and thank you for your great work but you know already there will be many surprises, for example in the last 2 seasons the last seeded team in UCR1 had coeff. around 18.000 and something , so i doubt that a team with over 20.000 coeff. next year will not be seeded. We'll see.

Re: did any 1 see what happened in marseille ????
Author: Ricardo
Date: 18-12-2005, 21:35
@Peter, this year, seeding was teams above 18.5, so indeed you might be right!
@Cristiano, OnTV(Eurosport) I thought I heared already a whistle at the moment the Bucarest player kicked the ball. I could not hear the 3rd one (there must have been a third one). If it was before this one or after the one with the ball in the net.

Re: country ranking - a question
Author: aetius
Date: 21-12-2005, 11:31
look at that video file with carefully ... and.. the last wistle hear in the next moment of ball in the net. hei is just a eastern team and romanians already fly to high this year and ... cut them off

Re: did any 1 see what happened in marseille ????
Author: bogdansteaua
Date: 21-12-2005, 18:57
i'm glad because h'veen meet steaua.I want to see the value of h'veen; they are better then dinamo - i don't think so; steaua has so luck...