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Scottish League Tables 1890-2005
Author: davieg1982
Date: 03-10-2005, 00:22
I wonder if anyone could help me out.
Does anyone know of a link that shows final league tables for Scotland from season 1889-90 to the present day for all divsions.
Much appreciated

Re: Scottish League Tables 1890-2005
Author: forbsey
Date: 03-10-2005, 05:07
Edited by: forbsey
at: 03-10-2005, 05:09
I have been looking for the Scottish Tables as well. I cant find them anywhere. There was a website which had them listed but it has since closed down.

RSSF have some of the tables but not all of them.

Re: Scottish League Tables 1890-2005
Author: ignjat63
Date: 03-10-2005, 08:00
Actually, I have what you need at my home PC. Ages ago I stumbled upon a site that had not only final tables (I have those in a WORD document) but cross-tables also in jpg format for Scottish national championships. Final tables were for all four divisions. Later I could not find that site any more.

Re: Scottish League Tables 1890-2005
Author: exile
Date: 03-10-2005, 13:04
Edited by: exile
at: 03-10-2005, 13:08 has tables since 1922 for the top division.

The 1st league season in Scotland was 1890-91. This resulted in a share of the league title between Dumbarton and Rangers, a play off match ending in a draw. The league continued throughout World War 1, though many players were in the armed forces, but was suspended after a few games of the 1939-40 season, to be resumed in 1946-7.

Re: Scottish League Tables 1890-2005
Author: iwan
Date: 25-11-2005, 21:26
Edited by: iwan
at: 25-11-2005, 21:27
At the webpage: you can find by the 'Frendlies''
all the matches off the Home-championship since 1872!!