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Changes after tonights matches
Author: Munja
Date: 26-07-2005, 22:52
With new 0.333 pts, Denmark is up 2 places in Ranking 2006 (now 23.), 1 place in Ranking 2008 (now 24.) and 3 places in R2009 (now 38.)

Ukraine got 0.125 pts. and they are up 1 place in R2007 (now 12.)

Switzerland got 0.125 and is up 2 places in R2009 (29. now)

Cyprus got 0.333 and is up 2 places in R2006 (27.), one in R2007 (26.), 2 in R2008 (31.) and 5 in 2009 (29.)

Belgium got 0.250. and now holds 11. place in R2008 (1 place up)

England got 0.142 pts bit did not make any progres on the list.

Finaly, Norway won 0.200 pts and they overcame Latvia in R2009 (19.)

So, the biggest winner tonight is Cyprus and Anorthosis that has two goals lead to take into Turkey

Re: Changes after tonights matches
Author: yveske123
Date: 26-07-2005, 23:18
Amazing victory of Famagusta (Cyp) vs. Trabzonspor. Never thought that the turkish team could face any problems to go through Q CL2. However, the away-goal scored tonight opens still (enough?) chances to restore the situation next week.
Nothing is decided in a single play but supposing the turkish losing already a team at this early stadium in europe can be a serious disadvantage for their country ranking and especially vs. their czech, scottish and belgian concurrents for that, so important 9th or 10th ranking-place.

Re: Changes after tonights matches
Author: SHEV
Date: 26-07-2005, 23:20
F*** Thun :D No way they can hold a draw in Switzerland - they are totally weak. Never seen so much luck in one match

Re: Changes after tonights matches
Author: Cro_nogomet
Date: 26-07-2005, 23:59
Edited by: Cro_nogomet
at: 27-07-2005, 00:02
Denmark got 0.250 points. You forgot about fourth danish (fair play) team - Esbjerg

Re: Changes after tonights matches
Author: yirdum
Date: 27-07-2005, 00:47
we never had luck with SWISS teams( NYVA(vInnytsia)..chrnomorets..dynamo...)

didnt see match but... hope it is gonna be same lik last year with TRABzon

Re: Changes after tonights matches
Author: TheGame
Date: 27-07-2005, 01:03
"F*** Thun :D No way they can hold a draw in Switzerland - they are totally weak. Never seen so much luck in one match"

Thun has a budget around 3 million Euro. Even in Switzerland they are little. So if you can't beat them, please don't come up with the lamest excuse ever. "They had so much luck!"

Many players left the club to other Swiss sides in the summer break. I can just congratulate them!

Re: Changes after tonights matches
Author: MichaelCollins
Date: 27-07-2005, 02:20
Now I understand losing to the greatness that is Villareal, but drawing Thun at home? Mind you, I can still see a 0-1 win for Kiev, like with Dnipro-Partizan last year.

Re: Changes after tonights matches
Author: irshav
Date: 27-07-2005, 03:54
Dinamo:Thun - very dissapointing but in a way anticipated result... My favourite team is not the same any more. I hope I'm wrong but it seems like they used all of their luck last season with Trabsonspor

Re: Changes after tonights matches
Author: Osiris
Date: 27-07-2005, 08:24
Edited by: Osiris
at: 27-07-2005, 08:26
I am a fan of Dynamo Kiev for a long long time. I am dissapointed with the result too but still hope for away match. Pls keep in mind that Thun has its own fans so please be more restraint in your emotions, we should not spoil the relations between forum participants. Fans are not enemies but friends. Good luck!

Re: Changes after tonights matches
Author: SHEV
Date: 27-07-2005, 12:20
I'm sure that Dynamo will win easily 3-0 or 4-0. You can't say that I shouldn't make excuses about luck. When in 10 minutes Dynamo players have 5 shots from 2 metres in front of goal and dindn't score at lest 1 of them - it's nothing but luck.

In last years in CL qualification Dynamo had problems at home. Sparta 0-1, Steaua 1-1, Olborg 2-2, Crvena Zvezda 0-0, Brondby 0-1, Trabzonspor 1-2 - and they won all of this ties. And these teams played much much more better then Thun. Shouldn't be a problem.

Re: Changes after tonights matches
Author: Osiris
Date: 27-07-2005, 13:53
O.K. I also hope for a win of Dynamo in away match. What i ment was better to avoid insulting other teams and their fans.

Re: Changes after tonights matches
Author: joh
Date: 27-07-2005, 14:44
I'm sure that Dynamo will win easily 3-0 or 4-0. You can't say that I shouldn't make excuses about luck. When in 10 minutes Dynamo players have 5 shots from 2 metres in front of goal and dindn't score at lest 1 of them - it's nothing but luck.

I'd say incompetence. You could call that luck I guess.

Re: Changes after tonights matches
Author: Munja
Date: 27-07-2005, 15:15
Edited by: Munja
at: 27-07-2005, 15:15
You know, it will be terribly hard for Dinamo to score first goal in Switzerland, because Thun is satisfied with 0-0. In case Thun scores first, say, from counteratack, then you may forget third round.

Re: Changes after tonights matches
Author: SHEV
Date: 27-07-2005, 17:08
With level of their defence - it's very unlikely that 1 goal will be enough for Thun.

Re: Changes after tonights matches
Author: MichaelCollins
Date: 27-07-2005, 18:14
Ah Shev, your love for your team is inspiring. Indeed, if the Jags ever get near European football, you'll hear me for miles going on about bad luck this and conspiracies that.

But, surely in all probability Dynamo are heading out now. I think it would be a shame, as they always add something to the group stages, but I gather from the result and other things that Thun are a better team than you surmise.

Re: Changes after tonights matches
Author: Kronsky
Date: 27-07-2005, 18:31
Edited by: Kronsky
at: 27-07-2005, 18:38
Sorry Munja, Im of topic too...


I figure that You are upset but...dont worry, be happy!

Im just on my way to forget Wisla - Tbilisi...

It does not look THAT bad. Trabzon is in much worse situation and I think they will make it through anyway. Just think posistive. Dinamo hade to make lot of mistakes and they had bad luck, Thun on other hand had lot of luck and achive good result. We should get credit to Thun for their fighting spirit.

Its still 65-45 for Dinamo

Shev, what about Volyn entering EC one day? Are they too far frpm other teams?

Best regards

Re: Changes after tonights matches
Author: SHEV
Date: 27-07-2005, 22:18
First of all, yes I am dissapointed at the result as it leaves chance for Thun. But anyway I'm still confident that Dynamo will go through It's not like Celtic result and everything can be changed.

Re: Changes after tonights matches
Author: SHEV
Date: 27-07-2005, 22:20
Kronsky, Volyn could get an UEFA spot this year. And they are one of the favorites. Mettalurh Donetsk, Dnipro, Tavria and Volyn would fight for 2 places.

Re: Changes after tonights matches
Author: marco
Date: 27-07-2005, 22:46
with the win of Debrecen tonight how many points for Hungary?

Re: Changes after tonights matches
Author: Munja
Date: 27-07-2005, 22:46
To get back on topic:

Austria +0.250: 1 place up in R2006 (16.), so without some big impact.

Serbia +0.250: 1 place up in R2008 (18.), same as Austria

Sweden +0.333: 1 place up in R2007 (27.), 2 in R2008 (26) and 4 in R2009 (23.)

Slovakia +0.333: 1 place up in R2006 (28.), 1 in R2008 (29) and 4 in R2009 (36.)

Macedonia +0.166: 1 place up in R2007 (36.)

Russia +0.125: now 8. instead of Scotland in R2007!

Ireland +0.166: 1 place up in R2006 (39.), 1 in R2008 (37.), and 2 in r 2009. (30.)

Romania +0.166: without changes

Bulgaria +0.250: tweo places up in R2008 (20.), and 2 in R2009 (33.)

And finaly Hungary +0.333: 2 places up in R2006 (23.) and 1 in R2009 (17.)

Re: Changes after tonights matches
Author: kurt
Date: 27-07-2005, 23:19
to munja, i find it nice to know the changes, but changes in 2007 2008 2009, this is a little too much, sorry

i am crazy at numbers but i think it is more interesting to know that a country goes from place 22 to 21, because they have more european spots , or a country that goes from 9 to 8th place

but a country going from 35 to 33, who cares ?

keep up the good work

Re: Changes after tonights matches
Author: maranton
Date: 28-07-2005, 00:23
To marco:
A win is 2 points and a draw is 1 point. But in qualifying rounds half points are awarded. So the win of Debrecen gave 1 point to Hungary. Dividing 1 by the number of teams Hungary has in european competitions this year (4 teams) give us 0.250 . So tonigh Debrecen gave 0.250 points to Hungary.

Re: Changes after tonights matches
Author: LevskiFan
Date: 28-07-2005, 00:31
hay marco u can also check the country ranking table....

Re: Changes after tonights matches
Author: SHEV
Date: 28-07-2005, 00:45
Thought a lot about Dynamo match. And have some things to say. It will be a major disaster for Kiev to miss eurocup season, but it's what football is about - excitement given to us by all the pressure in 1 hour and 30 minutes that decides a whole year. That's worth it. And if Dynamo lose I will be extremely dissapointed, but feel myself as a part of endless football life Not to poetic? Just drunk a lil' bit. :D

Re: Changes after tonights matches
Author: Kronsky
Date: 28-07-2005, 00:56

I take a shot of vodka and drink with You my ukrainian friend

Lets hope for the best!

Re: Changes after tonights matches
Author: LevskiFan
Date: 28-07-2005, 00:58
Edited by: LevskiFan
at: 28-07-2005, 00:58
lol can I join u 2...haha

Re: Changes after tonights matches
Author: Kronsky
Date: 28-07-2005, 01:00
You're welcome

Re: Changes after tonights matches
Author: LevskiFan
Date: 28-07-2005, 01:06
Edited by: LevskiFan
at: 28-07-2005, 01:06
Thx....i'm taking the vodka now.....

Re: Changes after tonights matches
Author: Philippe1968
Date: 28-07-2005, 19:39
Edited by: Philippe1968
at: 28-07-2005, 19:47
1 change in seedings for QR2 of UC

Krylia Sovetov Samara become Seeded team after the elimination of Ferencváros against MTZ-Ripo Minsk

And a new surprise with qualifation of Vaduz (Lie) !

And after Kaz many countries lose all their teams tonight :
St Marino, Andorra, Malta, Estonia (!)

And probably 10 countries with just 1 team ...

Re: Changes after tonights matches
Author: Nick
Date: 28-07-2005, 20:23
heh. and my personal favorites BATE Borisov are running riot: 5:0 after 60 min.