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Support this forum
Author: bert.kassies
Date: 09-03-2005, 11:42
For the first time since running this website and forum I had to make some extra payments for webhosting in order to keep the forum pages free from advertisements. It's just a small amount, only for a few months, and I can easily afford it, but nevertheless ... If the information on this website and forum has some value for you, please consider to make a donation.

See Support this website, or click at "Donate" above.

Re: Support this forum
Author: anita
Date: 09-03-2005, 12:01
Absolutely, bert. You'll get some from me next week. Maybe we all should contribute according to the amount of replies on Forum.

Replies = Half euro
Starting topic = One euro

That would be rather expensive for me, but may stop me (and others) from writing to much off topic bullshit.

Re: Support this forum
Author: rod_c
Date: 09-03-2005, 12:08
Bert - I don't post much but your site's invaluable to weed through the crap talked in the Scots press

Since you've also won me a fair amount in bets after the press herre talk rubbish about co-effs, I think a donation is only fair.

Good luck with the fundraising.

Re: Support this forum
Author: Ricardo
Date: 09-03-2005, 13:37
As a result of my support I expect a detailed full color annual report about received gifts, spendings, included with site statistics, etc..
Hope you don't get richt because of this action! Other wise you can always make some extra space available for your support sites. I'm sure I won't keep up my work as lomg as you do, but....

Re: Support this forum
Author: ralfinho
Date: 13-03-2005, 17:06
Done, too.
Not so easy to open a PayPal account.

Re: Support this forum
Author: ralfinho
Date: 19-03-2005, 15:26
I think this topic deserves it to be shifted on top from time to time.

Re: Support this forum
Author: bert.kassies
Date: 19-03-2005, 16:31
Edited by: bert.kassies
at: 19-03-2005, 16:34
Thank you all for your donations so far. Until now I received about EUR 50. In just 10 days, so I'm very happy with that result. The yearly charge for an impoved webhosting requires about 3 times that amount. So I hope to receive some more donations

Ricardo requested an annual report with received gifts, etc. Of coarse I will inform you about the total amount of the donations, but on the other hand I like to stress that the names of the donors will be kept confidential.

Re: Support this forum
Author: Ricardo
Date: 20-03-2005, 14:02
Do you mean their real names? I would like that to be kept hidden(?!), for the rest I don't care. But you can nail not-payers but frequent contributers by putting them here on a black list.
Or maybe you should look at it another way: Those contributing in text form already do something. Those just reading should pay!

Well, keep us informed, paying a couple of euros a year should not be a problem for me. I value this site much more (compare it to a movie: 1 night of pleasrue for 15 Euros!)

Re: Support this forum
Author: Munja
Date: 20-03-2005, 15:29
I realy like this site. But unfortunately, you will have to wait because I still do not earn money (I go to school). Surely, I could donate few euros a year but there is another problem: credit card. No one in my surrounding has credit card that can be used for internet payment. Only those stupid "postanska stedionica" cards... So if you want to put me on "black list", well than all I can do is brake some windows on some goverment building.

Re: Support this forum
Author: ralfinho
Date: 20-03-2005, 17:57
Edited by: ralfinho
at: 20-03-2005, 17:58
another suggestion:
I know several people in Germany who, especially in these weeks, visit the coefficients part of your website, but never will participate in this forum. So, these people don't know about your support request.

Maybe you should put a link to the support request on the main page of your website.

I'm sure Ricardo was kidding.

Re: Support this forum
Author: bert.kassies
Date: 20-03-2005, 18:57
Ricardo, Munja, donations are totally voluntary. There will be neither white nor black lists.

ralfinho, the link to the support request is at the top of the main page.

Thank you all for your support.

Re: Support this forum
Author: Ricardo
Date: 20-03-2005, 20:36
Ofcourse I was kidding. I like this site and can and am willing to pay for it (a bit). I hope noone feels he has to leave this forum cause he can't afford it. The more good contributions(not just yelling), the better. And if you add a seperate site with good info, wow-that is enough, I should say.

Re: Support this forum
Author: ralfinho
Date: 20-03-2005, 22:46
well, as I said yesterday, I'm not able to read.

However, as I'm curious:
Did everybody here notice the small link on the top left of Bert's main page?
Just to let me know if I have to go to the eye specialist.

Re: Support this forum
Author: duncshine
Date: 23-03-2005, 12:31
Sorry for the delay, Bert, I've chipped in now...


Re: Support this forum
Author: eoinh
Date: 23-03-2005, 12:54
I chipped in a small amount as well.

Re: Support this forum
Author: christoph2136
Date: 24-03-2005, 16:58

I think, UEFA should make a big donation as they have used and will use Bert's site several times to adapt their calculations.

Re: Support this forum
Author: Floris
Date: 06-04-2005, 16:07
Do you maintain this site for free, or are you an employee of the UEFA?

Re: Support this forum
Author: bert.kassies
Date: 06-04-2005, 16:27
An employee of UEFA? Maybe I should put some more UEFA bashing in my contributions.

No, Floris, it's just for fun.

Re: Support this forum
Author: JPV
Date: 06-04-2005, 20:04
I'm not giving money (i do this already for another forum), but anyone who needs webspace, contact me (jeroen . coolsaet @ kahosl . be ). As long as you use the webspace for things related to this website, you can get as much space as you want (with an own ftp-account). Including PHP, ASP, SQL/Access, Subdomain if wanted, Perl, CGI, ...

i've got 1000 mb of space, which should be enough for any project here... Data-traffic is 20 gig/month, so don't worry about it.

Bert, if you want an extra mirror, just tell...

(website WILL be or whatever subdomain you'd like). It's not yet available, will be in less then a week.