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English and Scottisch league
Author: iwan
Date: 01-02-2005, 08:37
England has the most payed teams in the entire world.
92 and no other coutry has 68.
And they are put in 4 divisions of 4 different levels.
In the lowest divisions they've many financial problems.

Mayby it's possible to put the 92 payed teams in 2 primierships
of each 16 teams and 3 second divisions of each 20 teams.

The numebers-1 of the buth champions-ships will play a play-off
against each-other, so the nrs-2 too, the nrs-3 and the nrs-4.
The winner of the nrs-1 is champion and plays CL, the loosers of
the nrs-1 plays a play-off against the winner of the nrs-2, the winner
plays CL too, the looser of the nrs-2 plays against the winner of the nrs-3 for a place in the QR-CL, the looser and Cupwinner play UC, the looser of the nrs-3 plays against the winner of the nrs-4 for a place in the UC.

The lowsest 4 of each degrade, the highest 2 of the 33 2nd leagues promote directley, the numbers-3 and 4 and the best 2 nrs-5 play play-offs for 2 places in the highest division.

In Scotland they can better put theire 36 payed teams in a first and second division of each 18 teams and no more a dubble competition.
Three teams will degrade and two promote directley and a play-off
between the nrs-3 to 6.
the looser and cupwinner UC, the winner of the nrs

Re: English and Scottisch league
Author: neill
Date: 01-02-2005, 12:02
There are in fact 42 Scottish League teams, too many in my opinion.

Re: English and Scottisch league
Author: iwan
Date: 01-02-2005, 12:23
Yes, than it's possible to form the 1-st out-of 20 teams
and 2-nd league out-of 22 teams.

But now, the strongest teams has many points more than the rest becouse everybody meet each-other 4 times a year. Celtic and Rangers win every year 12 points from every team at the suptop, when that will be 6 the
diffference will be smaller!!

Re: English and Scottisch league
Author: joh
Date: 01-02-2005, 20:19
And when we divide the points by 10 the difference will only be 1.2 points!! Why not?? It is possible!!