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Which teams play qual
Author: aliihsan
Date: 05-11-2004, 15:35
In UEFA cup when 2 two teams from a country are participating and one is to play qual. which one plays.
Cup winner or 3rd team(2 cl) In Turkey if cupwinner is going to CL then the 3rd team goes 1st round cup participant plays qual. What is the criteria for this in other nations can any body give me a very detailed info. for all nations about that topic.Thanks

Re: Which teams play qual
Author: anita
Date: 05-11-2004, 16:17
Cup winner is 'ranked' first, so they will start in round 1. But if cup winner is already qualified for CL, third team (or fourth, depending on amount of teams from country)in league will start in round 1 and cup final loser in q-round.