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New UEFA Cup Format
Author: Nick
Date: 26-09-2003, 19:21
Any idea when the UEFA will announce the exact number ot berths for next years UEFA Cup and the exact way of qualification for R1 and the group stage ?

Re: New UEFA Cup Format
Author: mark
Date: 26-09-2003, 22:58
My guess is that the number of berths will not change. It is already to late by UEFA standarts as they should notify any change one year in advance so the teams at every leauge can prepare to play for the berths, and it is already almost the end of the leagues in russia and other nordic countries.
By observing UEFA behaviour over time I would guess that the seeding to each round will be posponed as much as they can (it looks as if the decisions are made in principal and they leave themself as much time as they can to iron out the details) probably around the end of the european season (april/may ?)