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QR3 Draw dates
Author: vakho
Date: 24-07-2002, 13:09
I noticed that draw of 3rd QR will be this Friday.
I think it is another example how UEFA planning
the calendar in favor of top countries. Now Milan,
Bayern (etc) managers can simply travel to the 2 games
of potential teams and scrutinise all aspects of the game
of possible opponents. The reason for such draw is
to prvent "acciental " loss of teams that are "highly
welcomed" to CL02-03 ( I will not attach the list it is known).
The fair in my opinion draw for QR3 should be done at 9th
of August.
Any opinion?

Re: QR3 Draw dates
Author: HTL
Date: 24-07-2002, 14:14

I can't see how anyone can disagree, mate. The world of football is driven my cash.

Re: QR3 Draw dates
Author: yuri
Date: 24-07-2002, 16:11
The first round of QR3 is played just in a week after QR2 (on August 14th), so if the draw would be made on Aug 9th, then both teams (both the strong one and the weak one) will not have enough time to prepare.

Also, you are right that the strong team can travel to the game of QR2 and see its potential opponents, but the opponents also will know which strong team is waiting for them and have more time to prepare for that case (even before reaching that stage themselves).

Re: QR3 Draw dates
Author: vakho
Date: 24-07-2002, 18:02
Yuri - surely the knowledge of opponent is mutual .
What do you mean under "will have time to prepare" ?
How? , first of all lower team should fight to get this place -
I don't see difference between knowing who's your opponent
on Wensday evening or Friday morning . And one more thing
weaker temas don't have opportunity to watch games
of stronger ones - own leagues are not started.

Re: QR3 Draw dates
Author: Skyer
Date: 24-07-2002, 19:37
I agree with vakho. Teams, which play in QR2 can't prepare to the meeting with "big clubs", because in that case they have more chanses to lose in QR2, because of little info.

But weak clubs can use this situation. For example, Alex Ferguson have seen all aspects of the game Maccabi-Belshina. Belshina(I hope, the victor of this match) played attacking style, playing through the center(for example). Ferguson prepares for that style of playing, but Belorussian coach use in match against MU defencive play and uses wings. A little kind of surprise. It is difficult, but it is possible.

Re: QR3 Draw dates
Author: yuri
Date: 24-07-2002, 20:25
Ok, I agree that this situation is not ideal. UEFA should not make the match dates like this, the time between QR2 and QR3 should be more than one week. But given this, it is impossible to make the draw just 5 days before matches.

For example, I think it is better to Maccabi Haifa to know already this Friday who is their potential opponent in case thay win Belshina (and I hope they do ). Even (but not only) at organisation side (making all flight, hotel reservations, etc.). It is also better to Maccabi fans, because they can already know where to reserve tickets - is it Manchester, Barcelona, etc., whatever. To make all these preparations in five days - seems not so possible.

Re: QR3 Draw dates
Author: Skyer
Date: 24-07-2002, 21:08
Yeah, good point. Can't disagree. For fans such situation is not bad. But not ideal - Maccabi fan ordered a ticket to Manchester. And Belshina wins. So what?

Re: QR3 Draw dates
Author: yuri
Date: 24-07-2002, 22:15
Usually, when you reserve a flying ticket, you don't immediately pay for it; you just reserve a place, and can pay later. So, if Belshina win, the order simply will not not be used. (Anyway, I hope in this specific case this will not happen).

By the way: it is still unclear where the first game between Maccabi Haifa and Belshina will be held. Haifa (like other Israeli teams) planned to play their home games in Cyprus (after UEFA decided that games cannot be played in Israel); and now it seems Cyprus doesn't want to allow this at their home. A very unclear situation ...

Re: QR3 Draw dates
Author: vakho
Date: 26-07-2002, 10:02
According to the seedings - Dinamo Buch, Piynik, Torpedo
and Hibernian will have highest motivation amongst 10 lower
teams , because in case of success they avoid Barca, Man.Utd,
Bayern, Inter, Milan , Feynoord etc in 3rd qualifying

Re: QR3 Draw dates
Author: HTL
Date: 26-07-2002, 10:06
I don't know what you mean, Vakho. I thought the draw was 16 seeded teams in one pot, 16 unseeded teams in another pot and then it's just 'pop' luck. Any seeded team gets any unseeded team. Is this not the way it works?

Re: QR3 Draw dates
Author: vakho
Date: 26-07-2002, 11:13
Almost - however
12 seeded teams + 4 "seeded probably winning " teams
play against
6 unseeded teams + 10 "probably winning unseeded "
(but surely these 10 will be "weak" anayway)

Re: QR3 Draw dates
Author: vakho
Date: 26-07-2002, 11:15
That's why I stay on my point - if one uses seeding one
should be sure WHAT he will seed.
(No I sound like bible I should write down these expressions to show
offspring when get older )